Local Trips: Years 10-13

Prefect: The Amazing Race


Year Groups: Y12

Maximum #: 10

Approximate cost: No cost

Trip Leader: 

Ms. Hart

Note: Prefects are PRE-SELECTED and confirmed as Amazing Race Prefects before

Quest Week sign up.

Prefect: Year 7 & 8 Camps


Year Groups: Y12

Maximum number of students:
Year 7 Camp - 30
Year 8 Camp - 22

Approximate cost: No cost

Trip Leaders:
Year 7 Camp - Mr. Atkinson; Mrs. Worthington
Year 8 Camp - Mr. Otto; Mr. Boak

Note: Prefects are PRE-SELECTED and confirmed as Amazing Race Prefects before

Quest Week sign up.


(Student Initiated)


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 8 / Maximum #: 15

Approximate cost: HK$400

Trip Leader: 

Ms. Woods

Student Trip Leader: 

Alex Sallustro


Ms. Chu

Adventure Biking


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 10 / Maximum #: 30

Approximate cost: HK$5,660

Service Provider: 

Topgear / Strider

Trip Leaders: 

Mr. Wells; Mr. Hood

Amazing Race 


Year Groups: Y10 

Minimum #: 8 / Maximum #: 40

Approximate cost: HK$600

Service Provider: Staff organised

Trip Leader: 

Ms. Hart

Community Service


Year Groups: Y12 & Y13

Minimum #: 10 / Maximum #: 50

Approximate cost: HK$600-$700

Service Provider: Staff organised

Trip Leaders: 

Ms. Guo; Ms. Li

Minimum Age: 16

Eco Awareness and Crafts


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13 

Minimum #: 20 / Maximum #: 30

Approximate cost: HK$2,150-$2,750

Service Provider: Staff organised

Trip Leader: 

Ms. McPhee

Eco-hiking and Biodiversity


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 10 / Maximum #: 24

Approximate cost: HK$1,450-$2,950 

Service Provider: 

Eagleowl on Lantau

Trip Leaders: TBC

HK Adventure & Action Service


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 12 / Maximum #: 45

Approximate cost: HK$6,080-$6,590 

Service Provider: 

ATeam Edventures

Residential: 1 overnight

Trip Leaders: TBC

Jewellery Design and Making


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 8 / Maximum #: 15

Approximate cost: HK$5,360-$5,800 

Service Provider: 

Hatton Jewellery Institute

Trip Leaders: 

Ms. Kaur; Mr. Wong

Note: Students must be aged 14 yrs or over on 6th November 2023

Lantau Escape


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13 

Minimum #: 12 / Maximum #: 36

Approximate cost: HK$3,860

Service Provider: 

Workshop Wellness Ltd

Trip Leader: 

Ms. Jolly

Primary School Service 


Year Groups: Y11 & Y12

Minimum #: 8 / Maximum #: 44

Approximate cost: No cost

Service Provider: Staff organised

Trip Leader: 

Mrs. Newby

Support Staff: 

Ms. Hall; Ms. Laver: Ms. Harte

Sai Kung Stray Friends


Year Groups: Y10 & Y11 

Minimum #: 8 / Maximum #: 15

Approximate cost: HK$1,640-$2,600 

Service Provider: 

Sai Kung Stray Friends

Trip Leaders: 

Ms. Ma; Ms. Weston
Note: There is a HK$500 charity donation to Sai Kung Stray Friends included in the cost of this trip.

Survival Week 


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 30 / Maximum #: 32

Approximate cost: HK$6,550-$7,000

Service Provider: Higher Ground

Residential: 4 overnights

Trip Leader: 

Mr. Cooper

Support Staff: 

Ms. Hjelmeland

The Best of HK Trails


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 16 / Maximum #: 24

Approximate cost: HK$400

Service Provider: Staff organised

Trip Leaders: 

Ms. Kim; Mr. Wilkinson

Support Staff: 

Mr. Pawlyn

Wakeboarding & Water Sports


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 15 / Maximum #: 30

Approximate cost: HK$6,760-$7,100

Service Provider: 

W Boat Company

Trip Leader: TBC

Note: Students must be confident in water and able to swim 100M

Water Sports Adventures


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 15 / Maximum #: 8

Approximate cost: HK$2,700-$3,500

Service Provider: LCSD Chong Hing Water Sports Centre

Trip Leaders: 

Mr. Macalister-Smith; Mr. Marin

Note: Students must be confident in water and able to swim 100M to join this trip.

Wild HK 


Year Groups: Y10 to Y13

Minimum #: 8 / Maximum #: 30

Approximate cost: HK$3,640-$6,600 

Service Provider: Wild HK

Trip Leaders: TBC

Y13 Self-initiated Quest Week


Year Groups: Y13

Approximate cost: No cost

Trip Leaders: 

Ms. Hall

Note: Y13 Self-initiated applications must be submitted and approved BEFORE Quest Week sign up.