LA Phase 3A

Unit 1 Celebration


9. Creative Thinking Skills 9.1 Generating Novel Ideas and Considering New Perspectives

h. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes.

Unit 1 Summative Assessment: 


Respond to a written narration about a conversation about a birthday gift.


You have just returned from the Chinese New Year holiday. Write a letter to a friend living abroad to share with him/her your holiday experience. 


Respond to two audio recordings.

Unit 2 Personal Responsibility


5. Reflection Skills 5.1 - (Re)considering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills

d. Try new ATL skills and evaluate their effectiveness

Unit 2 Summative Assessment: 


Respond to a spoken narration about pets and a conversation about having a pet.


Answer the questions related to housework.


Your form tutor assigned you a task in form class to describe your best friend.

Unit 3 Holidays & Travel 

9. Creative Thinking Skills 9.1 Generating Novel Ideas and Considering New Perspectives 

a. Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries

Unit 3 Summative Assessment: 


You are sharing some memorable experiences during the last holiday with a friend. In your phone call with your friend, you will need to allow your audience to gain a detailed understanding of what happens and how you feel about it. You will then talk about some general idea of traveling. (3 - 4 minutes)


Respond to a letter and written narration about traveling.