Kevin Stott

Kevin Stott, 8th Grade Math, DeAnza Middle School

Spotlight: Math 8 (Eureka), Integrated Math I

Hi, this is my 33rd year teaching in OMSD and I have done all of my teaching at De Anza Middle School.  I currently teach Math 8 and Integrated Math I.  I look back on my teaching career and wonder where the time has gone because it feels like only a few years of teaching.  My teaching goal is to continually improve from year to year so that I can challenge myself and my students to achieve more than they ever thought possible.  I self-reflect and self-critique a lot as I listen to other teachers talk about what is working with their classes, or go to in-service meetings, or working with my colleagues on site - wondering how I can take what is successful for them and modify it to my style of teaching.  I balance my teaching with spending time with my wife and two boys - our family loves sports, traveling, and right now we are having a blast as we watch our two sons learn new things every day at school.  I look forward this year sharing my journey as I focus on student engagement by making math meaningful and relevant to my students through the framework of Universal Design for Learning and blended learning.  


My Classroom Resources

Exit Ticket Template

Exit Ticket (2022) - v3.0.docx

Lesson Notes Template

Lesson Notes Template.docx

Digital Data Tracker

Digital Data Collection - Table to Graph (2022 - 23)