04 Meeting in Loulé

Loulé aftermovie

Weather in Loulé

Loulé downtown

Loulé medieval city walls

Invitation in the Town Hall

Erasmus+ group in front of the Town Hall

Collaborative work at school

Visiting Loulé's Senior University

Dinner at the town market (courtesy of the Mayor)

Q&A session after the "Refood" movement volunteer talk

Solar powered smart traffic model

Solar powered gadget

A satellite dish becomes a solar oven

Solar powered autonomous driving gadget

Building the solar ovens to bake cakes

Visit the Loulé solar park

Visiting one of Loulé's wind farms

Teachers from Europe working together

Visiting an exhibition about Loulé in Lisbon

The region of ​​Loulé has been inhabited for a very long time

What stories can our grandparents tell?

Grandparents' stories and pictures exhibition

Collaborative work

Farewell group picture

Meeting in Loulé

The main focus will be on a city worth living in 2030

Presentations and discussions on:

- Partner cities' best practices - comparison regarding the topics mentioned below

- Surveys of portable devices' applications regarding smart cities and work/life-balance

- Surveys of opportunities for healthy lifestyle in the municipality

- Surveys of local, regional and national ways of participation in political decision-making processes ;

Field trip to solar energy park in Loulé


- constructing gadgets driven by solar power

Lectures and discussions with local experts on the topics mentioned above

We end the meeting, as usual, by publishing results via the website and eTwinning. There is also going to be a feedback-session with pupils and teachers. In the last session we are going to distribute assignments for the interval until the next meeting and prepare first steps for the latter.

solar farm

Cakes baked with solar energy