Smart School

At the meeting in Belgium we talked about what a smart school could look like. We discussed the relationships between teachers and students, the environmentally friendly school, school organisation and facilities. After the discussion we made posters and mind maps with different ideas from all the five countries: we wrote down and discussed aspects like renewable energy, using natural resources, practical and communicative skills and accessibility for everyone. We learned about the variety school communities and we had a lot of fun together.

Future Schools: Theoretical Background

Some theoretical background was given for the students before the meeting in Varna to guide them in their work on this topic.

Ideal School: Meeting in Varna

For presentation in Varna, all the Erasmus students took some pictures and made videos to share their ideas about the ideal school in 2030 and what the future society and environment should look like. They expected things in 2030 to be more captivating and foresaw dynamic classes, technological schools and more extracurricular activities. They also discussed climate change and the pollution of the environment.