Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School

Back to School Plan

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School has created a Responsible Restart Plan for the 2020 - 2021 school year. We continue to follow the guidelines set forth by the Ohio Department of Education, The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland and the CDC. The safety of our students, faculty and staff continue to be at the forefront of all decisions. The OLMC Task Force strived to construct a plan that would have as much consistency as possible for our students, while establishing rigorous safety protocols.

TEMPERATURE CHECKPOINTS We invested in high-tech, non-touch thermal imaging devices that will be used at all entry doors to assess body temperatures and mask compliance. All students will complete a temperature check each morning on campus. Any child exhibiting a temperature of 100° or more will not be permitted to attend school. We will also have wellness and temperature screenings for all employees.

ISOLATION ROOM Two separate isolation rooms have been constructed for sick students in the nurse’s office.

HEALTH COMPLIANCE Mrs. Schenek and Mrs. Feijoo will oversee health and safety standards. They will be responsible for communication with the local health department regarding updated COVID protocols, testing, and reporting.

WASH AND SANITIZE HANDS Hand sanitizer is provided in every classroom, as well as hand sanitizing stations in our high traffic areas. Most importantly, teachers will have a classroom schedule for routine and frequent hand washing and sanitizing.

CLEAN SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT High-contact areas (i.e., doorknobs, desks, and restroom facilities) will be regularly sanitized using appropriate solution. Each teacher will lead a cleaning routine before classes transition. This will include hand washing, sanitizing, and cleaning of desks and materials. The entire school will undergo an additional deep clean every week, or more as the situation demands.

RESTROOMS Procedures have been put into place for social distancing and sanitation in bathrooms. Surfaces will be cleaned frequently throughout the day.

FACE COVERINGS *UPDATED 8/4/20* Per the Governor's Order, all students in Grades K-8 will be required to wear a face mask while in school. This comes from a joint recommendation from the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association and the Ohio Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics: twitter.com/GovMikeDeWine/status/1290715998102880259/photo/1

There are exceptions for the following students:

  • Children under the age of 2 years

  • Any child unable to remove the face covering without assistance

  • A child with significant behavioral or psychological issues undergoing treatment that is exacerbated specifically by the use of facial covering

  • A child living with severe autism or with extreme developmental delay who may become agitated or anxious wearing a mask

  • A child with facial deformity that causes airway obstruction

Students in grades PK - 8 are required to wear a face mask while moving throughout the school or during any transitions to and from the car, classroom and in hallways.

As a result of the order, Students in Grades K-8 will also be required to wear a face mask while seated at their desk in the classroom.

In addition, all faculty and staff will be required to wear face coverings, as will all visitors to the main office.

Masks should be labeled clearly with the child's name and washed at home frequently.

Please send a backup mask in a Ziplock bag to be kept in your child's bookbag.

HYDRATION Students in Grades PK-8 will be encouraged to bring a clear water bottle(s) to school each day containing WATER ONLY. Water fountains will not be available to drink from. Students in PK & K will have disposable plastic drinking cups refilled with water by a teacher, as needed.

PHYSICAL DISTANCING EFFORTS Desks will be spaced 5 - 6 feet apart wherever feasible. Larger classes with an enrollment of 25 or more students will be split into 2 separate sections. Unnecessary furniture, rugs, and items that cannot be easily sanitized will be removed from the classrooms to allow for more social distancing.

Student seating in classrooms will be adjusted so all students face forward or additional safety shields and barriers will be installed at student desks.

School will stagger opening days to allow for a smaller number of students to enter the school prior to full attendance on the first full day to give students time to understand the new policies and protocols, and practice the changed routines and rules.

INSTRUCTION To provide maximum flexibility and ensure effective instruction, teachers will use an online learning management system (Google Classroom) as directed by the principal to plan and share lessons and communicate with students and families. Teachers will plan and pace instruction to accommodate the transition of individuals or entire classes between in-person and at-home learning.

AT-HOME INSTRUCTION Students who are unable to immediately return to school in the fall or those who need to temporarily return to distance learning while their classmates are attending in person classes will continue to be a part of their school and class communities. They will continue to receive instruction (live and recorded) from their teachers.

FACULTY AND STAFF SUPPORT Teachers and staff have been training throughout the summer on the use and implementation of essential tools used for our personalized and distance learning programs. Virtual office hours will also be offered for teachers to answer questions and to provide support for students.

LUNCH Students in grades PK-8 will have daily access to the cafeteria, but will have assigned seating areas that allow for physical distancing. Students who pack their lunch should bring them in a brown/plastic disposable bag so that they can go to recess without making a trip back to the classroom.

MASS We have created a rotating liturgical schedule so students will be able to attend Mass in person with their grade level classmates. Students will have the opportunity to live stream Masses, as well as participate in classroom prayer experiences and daily Catholic Doctrine classes.

RECESS When weather permits, students will continue to enjoy recess outside. Students will remain with their individual classes during recess. Recess periods may be shorter but more frequent since students will be at their same desks most of the day. Teachers will provide brain breaks in the gym and will be encouraged to get outside during good weather as much as possible with their classes. Masks will not be required during outdoor recess time.

HALLWAYS AND COMMON SPACES Students should maintain 6 feet distance between each other when possible. Hallway flow procedures will be established. Student movement will be limited throughout the building. Masks must be worn in hallways, during all transitions, and in common spaces.

AFTERCARE will be available from 3:10 - 5:30 P.M. daily for students PK-8. There will be homework, snacks, rest and free time with social distancing precautions in place. Masks will be required in hallways and common areas.

Parents picking up a child must follow the visitor policy, which includes wearing a mask and a temperature check. The sign-out will be located outside the cafeteria door, where your child will meet you.

VISITORS All visitors must make an appointment by calling the school and state the reason for the visit. Visitors will be subject to a health assessment, temperature check and will be required to wear a mask and must sanitize hands upon entering the building. Drop off of forgotten items will be managed through the main door. Items must be placed in a bag and marked clearly with the child's name and grade. Leave items in a bin outside of the main door and call the school upon arrival to inform a staff member that the item is in the drop-off bin. A staff member will collect the item and bring it to your child.

All reasons stated and permission granted are at the discretion of the principal. Any guest can be turned away for not following the health and safety procedures, or if the visit is determined to be non-essential and can be accomplished in another way ex: email, fax, phone call.

A podium is located at the entrance for sign-in/ sign-out of approved visitors with an appointment.

PICKING UP CHILDREN Parents/Guardian who have received a call from the school regarding illness of their child must arrive within 30 minutes of the call, unless there is an extenuating circumstance that has been given approval by the school principal.

Parent/guardian will call the school when they have arrived at the main door and will remain in the car. A staff member will escort the ill child out of the building. The parent/guardian will sign the child out from their car. There is no need to enter the building.