Trans Space

Trans 101

This website provides an overview of terms, misconceptions, and guides for allyship that will help any ally of the LGBTQ community become comfortable with the basics surrounding trans and nonbinary identity.


Pronoun Dressing Room

This site lets you try out a wide variety of pronouns in different stories. It can help you figure out which pronouns are right for you, or help you practice a set of pronouns you might be unfamiliar with!

Minus 18 Pronouns

Need to practice someone's pronouns? Here's a game to help you out!

Practice With Pronouns

This site helps you practice pronouns with a supernatural horror twist. Spoooky!

This website provides an overall guide on pronouns: why they're important, what to do if you make a mistake, how to share your own, and more!

Dysphoria and Euphoria

Gender dysphoria is defined by the American Psychological Association as "psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity." This distress can be triggered by being misgendered, seeing one's own body, or being forced into wrong-gender roles or categories. Not all trans and nonbinary people will experience dysphoria, but for some it is an important part of their lives.

On the flip side, gender euphoria is the feeling of joy that arises when a trans or nonbinary person is perceived, by themself or by others, to be their true gender. This can come from being correctly gendered, going on HRT, or just looking really good in an outfit. Euphoria is just as much a part of the trans experience as dysphoria, although it's often not as discussed.

Video Essays

Connect With Other Trans People!

The internet is full of places for trans people to connect with each other and share their experiences. Here's just a few!

Subreddits r/ftm r/MtF r/NonBinary r/asktransgender r/traaa

TransSpace Discord

Queer Youth Assemble Social Discord - there is also a volunteer Discord which you can apply to join. Contact us & we can send you the link.