Digital Citizenship

Adopted Curriculum

Oak Harbor Public Schools has adopted the Common Sense Media Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum.  The teaching of Digital Citizenship is the responsibility of all OHPS faculty and is required at all grade levels K-12.

Digital Citizenship Lessons 

Elementary Schools may use this template to track completion.  Please teach one lesson per trimester.

OHI, NWMS, and OHHS are expected to teach at least one digital citizenship lesson during an advisory period for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.  During the first trimester, please review the Acceptable Use Policy and the Chromebook Use Agreement.

Digital Citizenship Lessons

Resources to Share with Parents

Net Cetera: Chatting with Kids About Being Online, May 2018

Available for download or in print from the Federal Trade Commission. Also available in Spanish.

Screenwise, by Devorah Heitner, PHD on the Raising Digital Natives Website