Multilingual Resources

OHPS Program Models


Consistent, focused, and effective language development instruction is provided through ELL pull-out/push-in instruction or through small group work with the classroom teacher. Language instruction is delivered in English by teachers who have been specifically trained in the field of second language acquisition and strategies. Instruction may occur either individually or in small groups within the mainstream classroom (Push-in) or separate from the mainstream classroom (Pull-out) with the focus of supporting English language development.

Students in this model access grade-level academic content through participation in their mainstream classrooms. It is therefore imperative that districts employing this model ensure that sufficient time and resources are allocated for professional development of classroom teachers who will be responsible for providing access to grade-level curriculum for the English language learners in their classrooms.

WA State Transitional Bilingual Program (TBIP)  

& Federal Title III Information

The Multilingual Learner Statewide Strategic Plan provides a vision for supporting the success of all multilingual learners in Washington state with goals, strategies, and key actions to take at the state, district, school, and classroom level. 

The state Transitional Bilingual Education Program (TBIP) and federal Title III address the unique needs of eligible students, who come from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. Both programs share the same goal: develop language proficiency that enables meaningful access to grade level curricula and instruction. 

In state law, TBIP is a program within Washington's Basic Education Act - Chapter 28A.180 RCW. The federal Title III program supports supplemental instruction and services for language acquisition.

U.S. Department for Education Toolkits

Field Trip Forms

Field Trip Permission Slip w Health Information 11 01 18_Spanish.pdf


Field Trip Permission Slip w Health Information 11 01 18_Tagalog.pdf


Field Trip Permission Slip w Health Information 11 01 18.pdf


Field Trip Permission Slip w Health Information 11 01 18_Japanese.pdf


ELD Standards

WIDA English Language Development 

Standards Framework

Washington State has adopted the WIDA English Language Development Standards and will transition into using the new standards and related assessments in the 2021–22 school year. WIDA is a 40-state consortium that promotes educational equity for multilingual learners through language development standards, assessments, and high-quality professional learning for P-12 educators. 

Access WIDA "Can Do" Descriptors here: 

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grades 2-3, Grades 4-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12

Professional Organizations & Networks

Language Acquisition

_Language Levels Matrix.docx.pdf
Copy of _I Can_ Language Objectives.pdf
Most Common ELL Struggles in ELA CCSS for K-5.pdf

Instruction & Engagement for Multilingual Students

Classroom Strategies for ELL Success.pdf
Instructional Strategies Chart w GLAD Strategies.pdf
EL Accessible Assignments.pdf
5 Things ELLs Need from Classroom Teachers.pdf


SIOP 8.pdf

More information COMING SOON!

Cultural Guides

Cultural Guides.pdf

Working with Multilingual Students & Families

Professional Resources for Check-Out

ELL Professional Resource Library

Contact an ELL educator to check out one of these resource books.