Student Success Platform Resources

For assistance logging into the Student Success Platform email Emily Couch at

Interpreting Data on the Student Success Platform

The OHPS Student Success Platform student profile indicators are currently using the following color key:

*Please also note that data updates from Skyward overnight.


Deep Green = Student is excelling in all courses; their lowest grade is an A/S+/G/P/B/S depending on school. 

Light Green = Student is on track in all courses; their lowest grade is a C. 

Yellow = Student is at risk in at least one courset; their lowest grade is a D/S-/MP. 

Red = Student is critical in at least one course; their lowest grade is an X/N/NI/E/F/NP/U.


Deep Green = Student has attended 95% or more of the school year.

Light Green = Student has attended 90-94% of the school year.

Yellow = Student has attended 75-89% of the school year. 

Red = Student has attended less than 75% of the school year. 


Deep Green = Student has not had any incidents this year.

Light Green = Student has had incidents on 1-2% of school days.

Yellow = Student has had incidents on 3-5% of school days. 

Red = Student has had incidents on 5% or more of school days. 


Deep Green = Student reported a strength in all SEL areas. 

Light Green = Student reported a strength in at least half of SEL areas. 

Yellow = Student reported a strength in less than half of SEL areas. 

Red = Student has not reported a strength this year.