Got Books?

There are many resources available right now for accessing both print and on-line reading and learning material to keep you and your family engaged in reading.

  1. All LS students/families may place books on hold (here's how). However, we have limited staffing in the library so we are prioritizing students with high needs for literacy support and/or students who cannot access books elsewhere. If you fall in that category, please place books on hold and contact Ms. Lora ( so she knows to pull these books first.

  2. If you do not fall into this category, please be patient. Ms. Alma will pull books and get them to classrooms as soon as she is able.

  3. If your student is not coming to campus at all, but you would like arrange curbside pickup, please contact Ms. Lora.

We would love to get books into students' hands!

Please read below for other ways to access books:

Our local public libraries are great resources for both print and digital materials.

Follow this link to free reading resources including ebooks and audio books.

And here's a list of local, independent bookstores where you can buy books.

Take care and Happy reading! - Ms. Lora

A great place to go for book recommendations is We Need Diverse Books, and of course, you can always email me:!

Welcome to another year of sharing stories!

Even though access to books and information may look different this year, we are committed to sharing stories in whatever ways we can. Below are some ideas for getting started.