
Spocab List 3

Students need to complete 8 activities by November 18th

  • Print/Cursive 3 Times

  • Fill in the Sentences

  • Paragraph Edit

  • Paragraph Rewrite

Conform - comply with rules, standards, or laws

Conflict - a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one

Compare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between

Contrast - the state of being noticeably different from something else when put or considered together

Theme - the big idea, lesson, or moral of a story

Plot - sequence of events in a story; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

Narrative - the telling of a story or an account of an event or series of events

Affect - to influence; to cause a change

Effect - the result or consequence of the cause

Feral - wild, savage, untamed

Challenge Root: noct - night

Spocab List 2

register - enter into someone's consciousness

painstaking - taking extreme care and great effort

quantity - an adequate or large amount

dormant - inactive but capable of becoming active

emerge - come out into view, as from concealment

precise - sharply exact or accurate

vital - urgently needed; absolutely necessary

devastating - wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction

impaired - diminished in strength, quality, or utility

bellow - shout loudly and without restraint

Spocab List 1

Initial - Occurring at the beginning of

Consuming - Very intense

Indicate - Give evidence of

Rigid - Fixed and Unmoving

Vague - Not clearly understood or expressed

Agony - Intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain

Murky - Clouded as with sediment; not clear

Extensive - Broad in scope or content

Glisten - Be shiny, as if wet

Gorge - Overeat or eat immodestly