Assignment 4

Careers and More Searching

More searching! and I hate Theory!

You might hate theory but the Ministry says we have to do it!

Here is the problem

Do the "Career" assignment below. Make it useful for yourself (where do I want to go after grade 12 and do I have the marks, the courses I need,...)


Today, computers are used in almost every aspect of our lives: in car engines, microwave ovens, video games, watches, telephones, desktops at home and work, mainframe computers in government and industry, and supercomputers pushing out the frontiers of science and technology. The computer industry is one of the fastest growing segments of our economy, and growing that growth promises to continue well into this century.

Why Study Computer Science

Currently, in Ottawa, there is not be enough computer scientists and computer engineers to meet the growing workplace demand. If you actually were qualified, you could get a job tomorrow. While enrolment in computer-related courses at the secondary and post-secondary level continues to decline, demand for people with these skills increases. There are three main reasons why there is a demand for computer scientists:

  1. To maintain a competitive edge, American and Canadian industry must continue to make creative scientific and engineering advances and produce high-quality products.
  2. Entrance to computer science programs at university or college is minimal, due to the perceived difficulty in graduating in the field or receiving a diploma.
  3. Computer scientists currently in the industry are not renewing, or are reluctant to renew, their skills on an ongoing basis.

There are Seven Main Job Categories in Computer Science:

  1. Consulting
  2. Data Processing
  3. Engineering
  4. Project Management
  5. Programming
  6. Sales & Marketing
  7. Systems Analyst

Career Search

Your job is to do career research and present the results to me in some form. Before you choose how you are going to present the information to me, ensure you tell me how you will do it. Include a bibliography of the sources you used (so I know where you got them) where required. Look back at Assignment #1 to see how to make bibliography citations. Your work MUST include the three

requirements below:

1. First, pick one of the seven job opportunities (career areas) mentioned above. Your research and results MUST include:

  • a) identify the career you choose
  • b) a brief description of the job and its responsibilities
  • c) the education required for such a career
  • d) the future possibilities (outlook) for that career
  • e) the salary range
  • f) finally, include a description why you would or would not be interested in such a career
  • If you do not want one of the above carriers, tell me what you want to be.

2. Second, find a Canadian college or university that offers entrance into the program, or similar program, that you have described above. Then:

  • a) identify the educational institution
  • b) entrance requirements
  • c) description of first-year program (courses) that you would take
  • d) a sample of other things necessary to complete the degree or diploma requirements
  • e) the length of time to complete the degree or diploma for the course
  • f) be sure to include your sources in your bibliography/footnotes. Note the web resources below, they will certainly help you get started!

3. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states:

The vocation of humanity is to show forth the image of God and to be transformed into the image of the Father's only Son. This vocation takes a personal form since each of us is called to enter into the divine beatitude; it also concerns the human community as a whole.

Explain how the career you have chosen in section one helps fulfil the vocation that God has called you to. Note that vocation does not always refer to a religious vocation (Priest, Nun, Brother…). For example, how will your vocation help the common good? How will your vocation enable you to sets appropriate goals and

priorities in school, work and personal life?


Ontario Community Colleges:

University Information:

Ontario University Application Centre:

Colleges and Universities in Canada:

Career Cruising (Careers Data Base): (Get username

and password from your teacher)

Information Technology Centre:

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

One Part Assignment

  • This is a 1-week assignment
  • ENSURE you include the Marking Rubric

Marking Rubric

How you present your information will determine what your maximum mark will be. See chart below. Every time one of the required elements is missing, marks will be taken off. Present the information any way you want, just ensure you tell me how you will be doing it.