High school is a time to develop your interests and goals, try new things, and embrace challenges.  Striking the right balance between challenging courses, practicing life skills, and extracurricular activities requires plenty of planning!  Taking the time to fit the student's goals and needs with their course selection is a critical step in the career and college planning process.  

OCHS Course Selection 23-24 SY Block

OCHS Course Selection

When can I drop a class?

Students have 5 days into the semester, including the first day of class, to drop a class if another class is available.

Where can I find how many credits I have?

Find your credits on Infinite Campus under documents - academic plan progress report

How many credits do I need to graduate?

Class of 2024 & 2025 - 25 credits

Class of 2026 & beyond - 26 credits

How do I apply for Early  Graduation?

To graduate after 1st semester senior year, please fill out this form and return it to your counselor.

To graduate at the end of your junior year, please make an appointment with your counselor.

What is Senior Privilege?

Seniors may be excused 1st or 4th block with administrative and parental consent.  Students must be enrolled in three academic classes at OCHS each semester.  

Students must have 17 credits at the end of junior year, no behavioral referrals, no unexcused absences or tardies, and no more than one F in the prior semester.

What is a co-op or apprenticeship?

Students may be involved in a co-op or apprenticeship if they meet the requirements and have teacher permission. See your CTE teacher for more information.


Service hours are NOT required for graduation.  However, if you would like to volunteer, consider joining Volunteers of Oak Creek.  Contact Ms. Hren with questions.

Extended Absences

If you will be absent for 5 or more consecutive days, please fill out this form and return it to the main office for approval by the grade level administrator.