What is considered a Healthy Relationship?

From friendships to romantic relationships to the relationships within families, school and the workplace, all relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive. Healthy relationship's include reasonable boundaries and mutual respect. 

High Schoolers are often beginning to form romantic relationships. Love is one of the most profound emotions that human beings experience and human connectedness is an important part of who we are. The ability to form healthy loving relationships is learned. 

You make decisions together and can openly discuss whatever you are dealing with, like problems within the relationship. You enjoy spending time together but can be happy apart, 

One person tries to make all of the decisions. They may pressure the other person or refuse to see how their actions can hurt. In an unhealthy relationship, you feel like you should only spend time with them. 

One person is making all if the decisions-about friend groups, boundaries, even what's true and what's not. You spend all of your time together and feel like you can't talk to other people, especially about what's happening in your relationship. 

Romantic Relationship resources & Support

What is Consent?

Consent is an ongoing process of discussing boundaries and what you’re comfortable with. Consent is an agreement between participants to engage in physical activity. Consent should be clearly and freely communicated. A verbal and affirmative expression of consent can help both you and your partner to understand and respect each other’s boundaries. 

“No means no” (and even “yes means yes”) puts the responsibility on one person to resist or accept an activity. Instead of framing consent as a reactive measure in response to a partner’s actions, think of consent as a proactive expression of what partners are comfortable with and want to do together. 

Understanding Consent From 

If you have been Assulted...

Sexual assault is any unwanted and forced sexual behavior that happens without a person’s consent. 

Sexual assault can happen between two people who are in a romantic relationship. It can also happen between friends, family members, acquaintances or strangers. Sometimes more than one person at a time commits sexual assault.

You are not alone. 

Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault. 1 in 4 females and 1 in 6 males have been sexually abused before the age of 18. 

What To Do After Sexual Assault

Assault Information for Teens

What is the Difference Between a Crush and Love? 

What does Relationship Abuse Look Like?

 Friendship resources & Support

Why are Healthy Friendships Important? 

1.Friendships Promote a Sense of Belonging

2. Friends Can Help Boost Self-Esteem

3. Strong Social Connections Help Offset Stressors in Your Life

4. Friendships May Help Protect Cognitive Health

5. Friends Help Us Cope With Grief of All Kinds

6. Friends Can Encourage Healthy Behaviors

Read about these ideas here : Making Good Friends 

10 Differences Between Good and Toxic Friends

Frientimacy: The 3 Requirements of all Healthy Friendships

8 Signs Someone is Being Fake Towards You