Is Anxiety Normal? 

Being anxious isn't a bad thing. Anxiety exists on a spectrum. It can help us prepare for important things and keep us alert in dangerous situations. It’s a normal reaction to stress. 

Two things need to be present to define an anxiety disorder, as opposed to simply being anxious : The anxiety is out of proportion to the situation and it impairs the ability to function normally

Symptoms of Normal Anxiety

5 Differences Between Generalized Anxiety Disorder & Anxiety

When Does Anxiety Become a Problem

When anxiety symptoms persist and become a hinderance to daily functioning, it may be problem anxiety. 

Symptoms of Problem Anxiety

• uncontrollable worry • excessive nervousness • sleep problems • muscle tension • poor concentration • increased heart rate • upset stomach • avoidance of fear

Types of Problem Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety:  An excessive amount of anxiety or worry in several areas of life, such as job responsibilities, health, finances, or minor concerns (e.g. completing housework).

Phobias:  A very intense fear of a specific situation or object, which is out of proportion to its actual threat. For example, a fear of giving speeches, or of spiders, could be considered a phobia.

Panic:  An extreme anxious response where a person experiences a panic attack. During a panic attack, the individual experiences numerous physical symptoms, and is overwhelmed by a feeling of dread.

Curious about how to categorize your symptoms? Take the Mental Health America Anxiety Quiz

Living With High Functioning Anxiety 

Left unmanaged, anxiety can form a destructive cycle.

Looking for more guidance? 

Check out the Oak Creek Franklin School District partnership with Clinical Psychology Associates