Opportunities & Events

Florissa _ 2019 _ A Walk in the Park _ SibShop _ Flyer.pdf
Annie Jr. registration Flyer.pdf
Timbernook Flyer revised 3.pdf
Parent Advocacy Training Workshops FY 18-19.pdf


has been providing quality Youth Education Advocacy (YEA) Services for decades within the communities we serve. We have served thousands of students with disabilities, their parents, and the schools they attend, so that each child receives fair and equitable services. We know that a successful education is the number one factor to success as an adult and we remain committed to this belief and value. We have always provided YEA services for no charge to the families that we serve, however, this past year our state funding was discontinued. Our options were to cease all advocacy services for youth, decrease staff dedicated to the program, or begin charging for the service. Due to our mission and commitment to those we serve, we chose to create a fee for service option. RAMP will offer the same services for a fee. We will provide the first 90 minutes of consultation free of charge and then our rate will be $40/hour with the option for eligible families to apply for a reduction in fee based on household income. Families will be encouraged to capitalize on the time spent with our advocates and/or the support they need. Please note: Students with disabilities ages 14-21 may be eligible for RAMP’s new FastTrack Pre Employment Transition Services at NO COST to the family. If a student would benefit from job exploration, work based learning experiences, post-secondary education counseling, workplace readiness training, or self-advocacy training, please contact us to start that referral process. In addition, we want to support families and assist them in becoming strong advocates. RAMP will be coordinating and hosting Parent Workshops throughout the year in all four counties we serve to ensure children with disabilities and their family members are armed with the law and resources to obtain the services necessary. If you would like RAMP staff to present to you and or your staff regarding this change, we would gladly come out and meet with your team! If you have any questions, or concerns about our transition to a fee for service model, please call me at 815-968-7467. If you wish to make a referral for PreEmployment Fast Track Services or our Youth Advocacy program, please call your local office – phone numbers are listed below. Thank you! Boone Office 815-544-8404DeKalb Office 815-756-3202Stephenson Office 815-233-1128Winnebago Office 815-968-7467