The Hummingbird Post

Welcome to our Spring Edition! Look up ⬆️ for our sections.

Why the Name "The Hummingbird Post"

The hummingbirds that you see on the concrete outside around our school are also called Rosies. The idea of hummingbirds came about to honor Rosie Mastrandrea. Hummingbirds flutter from flower to flower and help pollinate. We think of Mrs. Mastrandrea as someone who went from person to person, spreading kindness and love. Mrs. Mastandrea was a secretary in our School #4 office. She made sure that student records were kept up-to-date and worked directly with students, our principal, teachers, and other staff. Mrs. Mastrandrea was always kind and sweet to students, parents, and staff. She loved to leave notes to remind people about things. She even wrote little notes to herself. Many of the notes Mrs. Mastrandrea left for people were written on post-its. She retired from School #4 in 2016. Mrs. Mastrandrea passed away in June 2020 due to COVID19.

When we were deciding on a name for our School #4 newspaper, we decided to name it The Hummingbird Post in honor of Rosie Mastrandrea and our school's motto: Be Brave. Be Kind. Work Hard.

Art Club

by Jacklyn K.

Art Club is one of the best clubs the school has. It is after school starting at 3:05 until 4:15. It is only for the 6th graders, so it is definitely something to look forward to if you're in the younger grades.

In Art Club, we do a lot of cool projects, and we use a lot of different supplies that we don’t really use in art class. For example, my class was just working on optical illusions. What we used for that were paper, pencil, colored pencils, sharpeners, and erasers. But the first project we did in Art Club was these really cool clay spoons. Materials were clay (of course it's in the name), paint with paintbrushes, and tools to use with the clay. So the supplies were very different. But, I’m not saying that we don’t do interesting and fun things in art class because we do. I’m just saying we use a bit more of supplies we don’t usually use in art class.

Art Club is run by our amazing art teacher Ms.Toy. The people in the art club right now are Mckaela, Gaby, Hazel, Nephele, Sam, Teegan, Maddie, Makayla, and me.

Art club has changed over the years because of Covid, but really what hasn't changed because of covid? What I mean by that is that before covid Art Club used to have snacks, but now we have to be a bit away from each other and no snacks. But that's for now. Hopefully, it will change soon because now we don’t have to wear masks anymore.

Another thing that I love about the Art Club is that there is no hate. What I mean by that is that there is nothing that is not good in Art Club. I always see negative things about my art, but Mrs.Toy comes over and tells us to take a deep breath and not stress about it. In my opinion, Art Club is a place where you relax and have fun.

If you are a person that doesn't really like art, then maybe this isn't the right club for you. But maybe it still is because we do many out-of-the-box things that you could find yourself interested in. Overall, I think Art Club is a very fun club that teaches you to go out of the box and be creative.

Prank Day with Mrs. Bruno!

by Liana H.

Every Tuesday Mrs. Bruno's class gets together and fixes up a good prank for Mrs. Bruno. It's something different every week. Imagine walking into your classroom and seeing your students or classmates standing on their desks, singing, pretending that you're famous, hiding in the closet, distracting you so they can all hide in the classroom, starting to panic for no reason, falling to the ground randomly, or pretending they are zombies! The pranks we play on Mrs. Bruno are unpredictable. Anything can happen.

Sometimes we don't get a chance to prank Mrs. Bruno on Tuesday, so we prank her on other days instead. One time Cole started playing music on our Chrome books and then we all started dancing on our desks. You might think that this would drive our teacher crazy but she actually finds it amusing… I think.

But, remember if you want to prank your teacher, make sure they are okay with it first. If you don't, they might think something is actually wrong. Also, remember to not get too crazy during your pranking. Another thing you should keep in mind is the other classes around you. For example, you might have other classrooms next to you. The walls are very thin so it is very easy to hear something through the walls. You also don't want to disturb any of the classes or meetings happening around you. In my classroom, there is a speech class right next to us and sometimes when we are too loud the teacher will pay us a visit telling us to be quieter.

Remember these simple rules and you will be a pranking master! If you are thinking of pranking your teacher, pick a day that is good for your class, remember to ask first, and stay on schedule. Well, maybe you should wait until you are in Mrs. Bruno's class in sixth grade!

Summer Vacation Might Mean

Long Car Rides

By Liam G.

When on long car rides, you can get bored, hungry, tired, or may even feel like you have to use the bathroom, and you're not the only one that experiences this, so I gathered as much information as possible to help. Sometimes you can be so bored that you can’t even sleep, making it even more unbearable for you and other drivers.

What to Snack

When you're starving in the middle of a highway, there's not much you can do except bring snacks, and when you're hungry, you’re hungry, so pack some decent snacks like caramel-covered popcorn. It is sweet, salty, chewy, and crunchy at the same time, and it doesn't fill you up that much so that you can eat and then you are done.

But believe it, or not there are better snacks as well. One is salads and fruits. Now I'm not telling you to go vegan, but salads and fruits are healthy, filling, and not messy, so you don’t destroy your car with dirt and crumbs. Salads can taste good with some tomatoes and ranch dressing. One more is more popular. In fact, 10 out of 13 kids said they liked them as a car snack. In contrast. Chips! Chips are tasty, they can be spicy, sweet, cheesy, and many more, depending on what type of chip. But if you do eat chips, you should bring some drinks too. This is a pie chart of the popular

Items. This was surveyed by 13 fifth graders.


If you find yourself on any highway or road and you are extremely bored you might want to use an Xbox or Playstation but it's a car so you can’t. If so, just get yourself a portable movie player. They are perfect for long car rides because you can watch any movie (on cd) that you want as long as you have the cd, a charger, and a pair of headphones/earbuds (if you don't want to drive your parents insane).


While watching movies and snacking on chips you might feel cold or hot which is why I recommend wearing silky shorts, (or regular shorts) and a short sleeve shirt. But wait! You might think that you’re going to freeze but that is why you should bring a blanket. Not a blanket from your bed but a blanket you might use on a couch. This way you can control your temperature when it's hot or cold.

Who Is the Best Spider-Man?

By Noah B.

I did a Google Form asking fifth and sixth graders who the best Spider-Man is. So, did the O.G. Tobey Mcguire wins? Or was it the newest Spider-Man, Tom Holland?

The best Spider-Man, in my opinion, and the winner of our survey is Andrew Garfield. Andrew Garfield had 50.9 % of the total votes. Tom Holland came in second place. He received 33.3% of the votes. Tobey Maguire received only 7%.

How To Code Python

By: Jonathan K.

Coding is the future. You want to make an app…..Coding is your answer, you want to make a game…..Coding is your answer, you want to make a website……Coding is your answer, you want to look cool…….Coding is your answer!

There are many coding languages such as Spanish. I'm kidding that’s not a coding language. Coding languages are like world languages, but they are on the computer and have numbers and random letters. Some of the coding languages are Javascript, Python, HTML, c++, and more. The coding language I will be teaching is Java. I'm kidding that is one of the most complex coding languages, the language I will really be teaching you is Python!

Step one. Go to your browser and type in “ ”. It’s a free browser that allows you to code Python and more (Not SPONSORED).

Now, once you are on the website log in and create a new project by clicking on your account, then clicking new Trinket, then click “PYTHON”, NOT “PYTHON 3”!! Sorry for the rage.

Okay, now that we are in, the first thing we are going to learn is the Print function.

The Print function allows you to print or write anything you want. For example type

print(“Hello world”) and see what happens. Press run at the top to run the program. By the way, when you want to print something, make sure to put quotation marks on the outside of what you are printing. Look at my example.

Did you notice that when you wrote print, it turned purple? This means that the computer recognizes what you are doing. If it didn’t turn purple that probably means that you either spelled it wrong or the “P” is capitalized. Now feel free to try this new feature out and write some cool things.

print(“Hi there”)

print(“My name is Johnny”)

print(“What is your name”)

In the last example I asked you what your name was, but you can’t respond so I am going to teach you how to make you interact with the user by letting the user type something in. Okay the first step is to make a variable. What is a variable? Well, it’s something that holds value. For example, we can name our variable anything as long as it doesn’t start with a number or when you type it, it turns color. So I will name my variable “name”. To define your variable right your variable name and then = and then the value.

name = “Hi there”


As you can see after I wrote my variable and defined it, in the next line I wrote the command to print the variable. Just type print, then inside parenthesis write your variable name without quotation marks.

Now we are going to create a variable that allows people to type in their names. The command we will be using is input. To start, name your variable.

name =

Then type what I type.

name = input()

This is the command that allows the user to type something. Now let's print what they typed.


Press run and type your name into the blinking spot, and press enter after you finish typing your name.

Wow, look at that it printed your name. Cool right?

This is the basics of Python coding. If you want to learn more there are plenty of youtube tutorials out there.

press passes