Covid-19 Stories

Together As One

by Elliana B.

Covid-19 took a real toll on me. At the time, my parents were very over-cautious in the thought that a loved one could get seriously sick. Inside me, I felt lonely and locked up, like the contents of my world were basically in my house. Knowing that this disease was traveling fast, in a way, it was like everything and everyone I love had disappeared because of Covid-19. Online school knocked some of my grades, but there is no one to blame for that. With everything added up, Covid-19 put me through so much sadness and frustration. So in those times, I strived for hope. Hope is such a powerful word that is uplifting and joyful. Hope is what kept me going through the darkest of times. I hope that everything will one day be ok. I kept the positive thoughts in and pushed the negative ones out. I had hope because we were all going through this together. Even though everyone got separated in some tough circumstances, I felt united with others by the hope that we all shared. I hope for a better place someday in the future.