
Little Things

Do you think you know the gravity of kindness?

Do you know the agony of heartache?

Have you felt a friend betray you,

like a hard stab in the back?

What you considered the most important thing in your life,

what you thought would never leave...

Did they leave?

You’re thinking your world is over.

Between the stress of life in general,

And all other “dreadful” things happening,

How will you- how can you move on?

You’re looking for a smile.

A joke.

Anything to make you happy.

No one seems to care.

No one seems to notice.

Why don’t people pay attention to you?

Walking down the hall, you continue to have these thoughts.

Everyone walks past you, staring down at their feet.

Except for one.

You’ve never talked to him, never acknowledged him, pretended he was a ghost.

But he looks at you, and smiles.

He. Cares.

Now you realize how just one, random person made you feel like you were in different universe.

So why don’t more people do tiny things like this?

That question has yet to be answered.

But you do know that a smile that took one second,

Changed your whole perspective on life.

The way the wind blows

Before you know what kindness really is

You must lose battles

Talk to darkness

Feel the scratches and burns of betrayal

Hear the person say it to your face-

Your not needed

You must lose people you love

You must watch and watch

seeing the same thing every time

No change

No love

No hope.

Before you spread kindness

You must know hardship

as the other deepest thing

You must wake up with hardship

You must feel it till your last breath-

speaks to you.

Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore

Kindness that makes people smile

makes you tell that person they are appreciated,

that they are loved,

that they are amazing.

Kindness is the only one

who stands out in a room filled with regular people,

who is payed attention to,

who changes people’s lives,

And who lets people see the light at the end of the tunnel

Kindness is our future.