Teacher Leadership AQ - Module 4

The courageous conversation is the one you don't want to have.”
- David Whyte

Courageous Conversations

It won't always be easy, but I commit to initiating and fully engaging in courageous conversations.

What a courageous conversation is:

  • saying what you mean

  • saying it with respect so the other person hears it

What a courageous conversation is not:

  • saying what is easy to say

  • saying what they other person wants to hear

How to have courageous conversations:

  • Address the issue; don't avoid the conversation

  • Prepare the other person (brace them)

  • Get to the point; be succinct

  • Link their future improved performance to the success of the organization/group

  • Agree on the action to be taken moving forward

The quality of your life is directly related to how many uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have.”
- Mastin Kipp