Oaks' Notes

April 19, 2024

Volume 3, Issue 20

In honor of music in our school month, we have collected some data, and we would like you  to try to guess which staff member that data belongs to. The Reveal!

Guess the Staff Member:

Mr. Fowble

This week’s Staff Spotlight will be different from the previous ones. As this month is Music in our Schools Month we want to recognize different staff members' music identities. The following is the music identity of an Oak Hill staff member.

Favorite Song: Made For This

Band? No

Choir? No

Drama? No

Favorite Musical? Chicago

Favorite Artist? Brandon Lake

Favorite Band? Need to breathe

Guess the Staff Member

Mr. Donley

This week we are continuing the trend of guessing the Staff based on their Music identity. The following description is the music identity of one Oak Hill staff member. 

Favorite Song: N/A

Band? No

Choir? No

Drama? No

Favorite Musical? Beauty and the Beast

Favorite Artist? Kieth Witley

Favorite Band? Lynard Skynard

Guess the Staff Member

This week we are continuing the trend of guessing the Staff based on their Music identity. The following description is the music identity of one Oak Hill staff member. 

Favorite Song: I Could Only Imagine

Band? No

Choir? No

Drama? No

Favorite Musical? West Side Story

Favorite Artist? David Bowie

Favorite Band? KC Sunshine Band

Testing Soon Begins

By Maxine Carter

Testing began this week. ELA tests are officially concluded. Way to go! Keep up the hard work. The following are the dates of the upcoming tests:

Meet The Staff 

Maxine Carter is a seventeen-year-old senior at Oak Hill High School. Maxine has been in journalism for three years and is looking forward to the full year of journalism. Maxine’s other extracurricular activities are Business Professionals of America (BPA) and National Honors Society (NHS). Maxine has made it to the final round for BPA Region 2 Regional Officer and hoping to make it to the final round again and also become a regional officer. Last year, Maxine made it to Ohio BPA States for torch awards and is hoping to go back for competitions and maybe even nationals. Maxine has three older sisters and is the youngest child. Maxine also has one nephew and two nieces. When at home, Maxine enjoys reading and taking care of her cat Gretal and her two fish named Gibbs and Ziva after the show "NCIS." 

Nolan White is a 17-year-old senior at Oak Hill High School. He will graduate next spring and plans to go to college here in southern Ohio. This is Nolan’s second year as a journalism student. What he likes most about the journalism class is the chill environment and the awesome teacher Mrs. Fulkerson. He currently lives with his grandparents in Jackson, Ohio. He has a cat named Thomas and a dog named Buster. Nolan has great but expensive addictions in collecting sports cards and going to football games. Nolan enjoys comedy movies such as “That's My Boy” and “Liar Liar”. Nolan’s favorite foods are pizza, grilled chicken, french fries and chicken parmesan. During his free time, Nolan enjoys listening to music. Music is the best way to get him through the day. Nolan is very excited about his senior year and can’t wait to go on one final go around with his friends and amazing teachers. He wants to make this year the most memorable year of his life.

Miranda Miller was born on October 9th, 2006. Born and raised in Ohio, she has gone to Oak Hill Schools all her life and is currently a junior. Miranda has three siblings and is the youngest out of them all. Miranda considers herself a shy and introverted person but loves her friends and family with all her heart.

Miranda is artistic and creative, often drawing or reading. Another hobby she enjoys is gaming as she is a massive fan of Nintendo games. She enjoys gaming with her few but close friends and hanging out with them. Miranda also enjoys hikes and nature, finding interest in things such as plant life, geology, and nature preservation.

Once she graduates, she wants to start online college and get an art degree. While attending online classes, her goal is to travel as much as possible until she settles somewhere with a good job.

Ani Canter is a junior at Oak Hill Middle/ High School. She has four older siblings, three brothers and one sister. She has one niece and two nephews. She’s been in choir since sixth grade and has always been an alto. She loves music. Her favorite musicians are Lil Peep and Blackbear Her favorite rock bands are Three Days Grace and Hollywood Undead. . She loves sports. She's played basketball since seventh grade. She’s always loved football, too. She used to cheer and run track. She’s in 4-H and has been all her life; animals are the most important thing to her. She is considering joining the military. 

Aliyah Shephard is a 17-year-old Junior at Oak Hill High School. After she graduates, she plans to go to college. She hasn’t quite figured out what career to take in life just yet, but eventually it will come to her. Aliyah gets through her days when she has music. Music is one of the things she is most passionate about. Favorite foods include pastas, burgers, fruits, and Chinese. Aliyah’s favorite color is red. She likes that color because of its depth. Aliyah is actually a cat person, and has a cat of her own named Finnian. She wants this school year to be a good one, and overall a successful one.

Axl Adkins is a Junior at Oak Hill High School. He looks forward to graduating and starting his career as a game designer or a voice actor. While waiting for his career to come he enjoys many things such as video games, movies and the outside nature. Sometime in the future he hopes to travel to many new countries and states. States like Washgtion State, Colorado, Montana and even Orgen and countries like Japan, France and Italy. These places both seem very fun and unique to him, and he would love to see them one day in the near future. With Junior year already being here he hopes that it will be a better experience than last  year.

Michael Williams is a Sophomore at Oak Hill High School. He is 15 years old and was born March 25th, 2008 in Winston Salem, North Carolina. His parents are Troy and Lagena Williams, he also has a brother named Johnathan and a sister named Parker. He is a part of the Oak Hill baseball and football team. His Hobbies include sports, traveling, hunting, and hanging out with friends and family. His best friends are his three dogs named George, Donnie, and Lola.  After high school, Michael plans to move down south and attend Coastal Carolina University for business and finance. After college, he plans to travel around the world. He hopes to live out a very adventurous, happy and successful life. 

Life is restored into rebirth. We have a new staff member, currently enrolled in the position of a dictionary dj in which he remixes letters to make some sense. Looking forward to working with the team to create a down-to-earth newspaper with voices heard & the latest news around town with some comedy & opinionated articles for those who want a renewed perspective. An open-minded person who will stand on beliefs but isn’t afraid to challenge theirs or others. He goes by Mark, but you can call him Spark; he states that it’s a name that he’s been nicked so, but also uses it to describe himself; we’ll see if he puts the spark back in the papers, shall we?