NYU Steinhardt
Music Theory Entrance Exam

This site hosts information about the NYU Steinhardt graduate and undergraduate music theory entrance exams. You'll find general information, review materials, results, and support. Click on the navigation links at the top to browse the site. 

Entrance exams should be completed prior to the first semester of study. Exams are available year round online. 

DMA graduate applicants complete the exam as part of the application process. 

Undergraduate Students
Get started here.

Graduate Students
Get started here.

Who is required to take the music theory entrance exam? 

Undergraduate Students

Music Majors: All incoming music majors are required to take the entrance exam before the first semester of study. Incoming undergraduate Freshmen and Transfer students must complete the placement exam before being cleared by advisors for course registration.

Music Minors: All music minors are required to complete the entrance exam at least two weeks prior to registering for any music theory courses. 

Non-Majors (not minoring): Non-majors (who are not minoring) may register for Music Theory for Non-Majors or Music Fundamentals without taking the placement exam. The latter course requires program consent. (See here to request permission to register). Non-majors who wish to register for Theory & Practice I or Aural Skills I (or higher), must either complete Fundamentals as a prerequisite or take the entrance exam to pass out of Fundamentals. 

Graduate Students
*Note: These are updated department requirements for students planning to enroll in coursework starting Fall 2024. Students who began coursework prior to Fall 2024, must also complete the music history entrance exam. Information is provided on the general info page

Graduate Music Theory Entrance Exams are required for all music graduate students enrolling in Masters, PhD, DMA, or Advanced Certificate programs in the following areas:

Students applying to the Masters, PhD, or Advanced Certificate programs who have completed a music degree in the Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions at NYU Steinhardt within the last five years are exempt from the music theory and history entrance requirements. This exemption is granted based on 1) passing scores on prior MPAP music theory and history entrance exams, or 2) successful completion of prior remedial coursework required by former placement exam scores. 

All DMA applicants are required to take the exam regardless of prior degrees from the department.