Graduate Exam

This page outlines the steps for how to set up your exam account, review and practice, take the exam, and access your results. 

Current & Former NYU Students: If you completed a music degree in the Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions at NYU Steinhardt within the last five years, you are  exempt from the music theory and history entrance requirements based on 1) passing scores on prior music theory and history exams, or 2) the successful completion of prior remedial coursework required by your former placement exam scores. Email the music theory program at to request the exemption. Please include your N number in the email. 

Please note that all DMA applicants are required to take the exam regardless of prior degrees from the department.

1) Set up your Account to Access to the Exam

Create the Account

In order to take the exam, you will need to purchase a subscription to the Auralia and Musition Cloud Student Bundle. The cost is $15 USD. This purchase will give you access to the placement exam, in addition to music theory and ear training practice materials that you may find useful for review. Please note that once you purchase the subscription, you'll have eights weeks of access to the exam and practice materials. If you do not complete the exam within those eight weeks, you'll need to renew the subscription to complete your exam. 

To set up your account, visit the following link and enter the required information:

You will also need the school code and PIN:

School Code: NYU-EXAM


Access the Software via a Web Browser

The software works via a web browser and can be used on a computer or mobile device. Once you’ve created your account, you can visit and login using your username, password, and school code.

If you need technical support at any time, including password recovery, please visit and someone will respond as soon as possible.

Please do not download the desktop versions of the software, as the exams will not be as easy to find in that format. Our placement exam is designed to be viewed in a web browser.

2) Complete the Pre-Exam System Check

Go to and log in using your user name and school code (NYU-EXAM).

Click on the "Tasks" button in the top navigation at the top left of your screen. Begin by completing a system check to ensure that the exam runs smoothly on your device.  Click on the “Tasks” tab; then click on "NYU Graduate Entrance Exam". You will see "Grad Entrance Exam: Part 1 - Pre-exam system check" listed in the left-hand column (see below). Click on "Start" in the upper right-hand corner.

3) Review & Practice

You are allowed to practice parts 1a and 1b of exam as many times as you wish before you take the actual placement exam. To access the practice exam, click on the “Tasks” tab and you will see the "NYU Graduate Entrance Exam Practice” listed in the left-hand column. (See below)

To begin, click on Part 1a of the exam and then click on “Start” in the upper right-hand corner. Once you complete the first section, proceed to Part 1b. 

In the "Review Materials" section of this site (top navigation), you will find the following pages:

There is no practice exam available for Parts 2 and 3.  Please refer to the Exam breakdown page for details about what is included in these sections and refer to the Review Materials to prepare. 

4) Take the Entrance Exam

You can only take the exam once, so it is important to review the materials covered in it, and to familiarize yourself with the software beforehand. 

Click on the "Tasks" button in the top navigation at the top left of your screen. Click on each exam title to see a description and the content included in each exam section. 

The Music Theory Entrance Exam includes four sections: Part 1a, Part 1b, Part 2, and Part 3. Each section is timed and must be completed in a single sitting. Once you begin, if you log out or close the page, you will not be able to resume that section. You will only be able to take each section once, so it is important that you are well-prepared before you begin, have enough time to complete the section in the stated time allotted, and have a stable internet connection. We recommend headphones for Parts 1b and 2, and staff paper and a pencil for use throughout the exam as scratch paper.  

Please complete all four sections of the exam in the order listed. The final section (Part 3) includes a submission form that will allow you to submit your exam for grading. Do not worry about “passing” or “failing” the entrance exams. If you encounter materials that you are unfamiliar with, just do your best. The placement exam is a diagnostic tool designed to help us determine if any additional theory or aural skills courses are needed so that you're able to complete the required courses for your degree and get the most out of your time here. If you are a DMA applicant, you do not need to complete the "History Placement Exam."


Accurate test results are essential so that you do not begin with a level that is too difficult or end up taking more courses than are necessary. It is important to do your best work, and that you do your work independently without the use of any outside help, other materials, or electronic devices. 

If you began coursework prior to Fall 2024, you must also complete the Graduate Music History exam (all sections, Parts 1–5). You will find the music history exam listed immediately below the music theory exam on the exam site. If you need any assistance accessing the exam, please reach out to the music theory program at

5) Access Your Results

The last section of the exam (Part 3) includes a submission form. Once the form is received, your exam will be graded within 2 weeks. Please be sure that the exam is completed 2 weeks before you require the results. 

Access your results on the Results page here

Q & A

How is remediation handled? 

On the basis of the exam results, some students are exempt from all remedial requirements. Many students, however, may be required to take one or more courses in music theory or aural skills. The Director of Music Theory will assign specific course requirements for those students in need of remediation. These requirements must be satisfied prior to graduation, but should be completed as soon as possible. 

May students take remedial courses instead of the exam or in preparation for them? 


May students write papers or do other independent projects instead of taking the required remedial courses?


Can the exam be postponed? 

Generally speaking, no. All students are required to complete the exam prior to the first semester of study. It is important that the exam is completed as early as possible so that if any remedial courses are required, they can be completed in the first year so as not to delay graduation or progress toward other degree requirements. Postponement may be granted in extraordinary circumstances by the Theory Director upon the recommendation of a student's Program Director.