Getting and Renewing an Account

Click here to request HPC accounts. (NYU VPN is required) 

Who is eligible for an NYU HPC account?

NYU HPC clusters and related resources are available to full-time NYU faculty and to all other NYU staff and students with sponsorship from a full-time NYU faculty.

Please note:


In order to request a new HPC account or renew an expired one, you need to be connected to the NYU VPN if you are working remotely. Please see instructions on how to install and use the NYU VPN.  Linux clients are not officially supported, however we were able to successfully use openVPN client. Here are installation and connection instructions for an apt-based linux distribution:

# install with
apt-get install openconnect
# connect by running
> sudo openconnect -b
# when prompted follow the instructions and provide your netID, password, and second password ('push', 'phone1' or 'sms') 

This method was tested on multiple Linux laptops but is not guaranteed to work in future. 

Getting a new account on the NYU HPC clusters

To request an NYU HPC account please log in to NYU Identity Management service and follow the link to “Request HPC account”. We have a walkthrough of how to request an account through IIQ. If you are a student, alumni or an external collaborator you need an NYU faculty sponsor.

Renewing HPC account

Each year, non-faculty users must renew their HPC account by filling in the account renewal form from the NYU Identity Management service. See  Renewing your HPC account with IIQ for a walkthrough of the process.

Information for faculty who sponsor HPC users

All full-time NYU faculty members (other than NYU Med School) are eligible to become sponsors, and in turn can sponsor:

If you need to sponsor an HPC account for an external collaborator (for example, for an NYU alumnus), please, request a "research affiliate" affiliation for your collaborator. You can find the instructions here

You can request a NetID for your student(s) or collaborator(s) here. The request form has additional information about affiliates.

HPC faculty sponsors are expected to:

Each year, your sponsored users must renew their account. You will need to approve the renewal by logging into the NYU Identity Management service. We have a walkthrough of the approval process, with screenshots.

Bulk HPC Accounts for Courses

HPC bulk accounts request is disabled for HPC sponsors.

Getting an account with one of NYU partners

NYU partners (look for the list here) with many state and national facilities with a variety of HPC systems and expertise. Contact us for assistance setting up a collaboration with any of these.

Non-NYU Researchers

If you are part of collaboration with NYU researcher you need to obtain an affiliate status before applying for an NYU HPC account. A full-time NYU faculty member must sponsor a non-NYU collaborator for an affiliate status. Please see instructions for affiliate management (NYU NetID login is required to follow the link). Please read instructions about sponsoring external collaborators.

Access to cluster after Graduation

If you will still work on a project with an NYU researchers after graduation - refer to the section above for "Non-NYU Researchers"

If you are not part of a collaboration, your access to cluster will end together with NetID becoming non-active. Please copy all your data from cluster (if you need any) before that time.