Ollama - A Command Line LLM Tool

What is Ollama?

Ollama is a developing command line tool designed to run large language models.

Ollama Installation Instructions

Create an Ollama directory, such as in your /scratch or /vast directories, then download the ollama files:

curl -L https://ollama.com/download/ollama-linux-amd64.tgz -o ollama-linux-amd64.tgz

tar -vxzf ollama-linux-amd64.tgz

Use VAST Storage for Best Performance

There are several environment variables that can be changed:

ollama serve --help

#Environment Variables:

#OLLAMA_HOST The host:port to bind to (default "")

#OLLAMA_ORIGINS A comma separated list of allowed origins.

#OLLAMA_MODELS The path to the models directory (default is "~/.ollama/models")

#OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE The duration that models stay loaded in memory (default is "5m")

LLMs require very fast storage. The fastest storage on the HPC clusters is the currently the all-flash VAST storage service. This storage is designed for AI workloads and can greatly speed up performance. You should change your model download directory accordingly:

export OLLAMA_MODELS=$VAST/ollama_models

You should run this to configure ollama to always use your VAST storage for consistent use:

echo "export OLLAMA_MODELS=$VAST/ollama_models" >> ~/.bashrc file

Run Ollama

Batch Style Jobs

You can run ollama on a random port:

export OLPORT=$(python3 -c "import socket; sock=socket.socket(); sock.bind(('',0)); print(sock.getsockname()[1])")

OLLAMA_HOST=$OLPORT ./bin/ollama serve

You can use the above as part of a Slurm batch job like the example below:


#SBATCH --job-name=ollama

#SBATCH --output=ollama_%j.log

#SBATCH --ntasks=1

#SBATCH --mem=8gb

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a100:1

#SBATCH --time=01:00:00

export OLPORT=$(python3 -c "import socket; sock=socket.socket(); sock.bind(('',0)); print(sock.getsockname()[1])")


./bin/ollama serve > ollama-server.log 2>&1 &&

wait 10

./bin/ollama pull mistral

python my_ollama_python_script.py >> my_ollama_output.txt

In the above example, your python script will be able to talk to the ollama server.

Interactive Ollama Sessions

If you want to run Ollama and chat with it, open a Desktop session on a GPU node via Open Ondemand (https://ood.hpc.nyu.edu/) and launch two terminals, one to start the ollama server and the other to chat with LLMs.

In Terminal 1:

Start ollama

export OLPORT=$(python3 -c "import socket; sock=socket.socket(); sock.bind(('',0)); print(sock.getsockname()[1])")

echo $OLPORT #so you know what port Ollama is running on

OLLAMA_HOST=$OLPORT ./bin/ollama serve

In Terminal 2:

Pull a model and begin chatting


./bin/ollama pull llama3.2

./bin/ollama run llama3.2

Note that you may have to redefine OLPORT in the second terminal, if you do, make sure you manually set it to the same port as the other terminal window.