Software on Greene

Software Overview

There are different types of software packages available

If you need another linux program installed, please contact us at 

Software and Environment Modules

Lmod, an Environment Module system, is a tool for managing multiple versions and configurations of software packages and is used by many HPC centers around the world. With Environment Modules, software packages are installed away from the base system directories, and for each package, an associated modulefile describes what must be altered in a user's shell environment - such as the $PATH environment variable - in order to use the software package. The modulefile also describes dependencies and conflicts between this software package and other packages and versions.

To use a given software package, you load the corresponding module. Unloading the module afterwards cleanly undoes the changes that loading the module made to your environment, thus freeing you to use other software packages that might have conflicted with the first one.

Below is a list of modules and their associated functions:

Package Management for R, Python, & Julia, and Conda in general

Examples of software usage on Greene 

Examples can be found under /scratch/work/public/examples/ and include the following

Accessing Datasets with Singularity

Licensed Software


Schrödinger provides a complete suite of software solutions with the latest advances in pharmaceutical research and computational chemistry. The NYU New York campus has a limited number of licenses for the Biologics Suite (ConfGen, Epik, Jaguar, Jaguar pKa, MacroModel, Prime, QSite, SiteMap), BioLuminate and the Basic Docking Suite.

NOTE: Schrödinger can be used for non-commercial, academic purposes ONLY.

Using SCHRODINGER on HPC Cluster

To load Schrodinger module execute

$ module load schrodinger/2021-1

Using SCHRODINGER on NYU Lab Computers

These license servers are accessible from NYU subnet.

Please see the following links for installation of the license file:

To check licenses status

# module load schrodinger/2021-1 # load schrodinger if not already loaded# licadmin STAT # licutil -jobs
## For example:
[wang@cs001 ~]$ licutil -jobs######## Server /share/apps/schrodinger/schrodinger.licProduct & job type                            JobsBIOLUMINATE                                     10BIOLUMINATE, Docking                             1BIOLUMINATE, Shared                             10CANVAS                                          50COMBIGLIDE, Grid Generation                     11COMBIGLIDE, Library Generation                  50COMBIGLIDE, Protein Prep                        11COMBIGLIDE, Reagent Prep                         1EPIK                                            11GLIDE, Grid Generation                          11GLIDE, Protein Prep                             11GLIDE, SP Docking                                1GLIDE, XP Descriptors                            1GLIDE, XP Docking                                1IMPACT                                          11JAGUAR                                           5JAGUAR, PKA                                      5KNIME                                           50LIGPREP, Desalter                                1LIGPREP, Ionizer                              3511LIGPREP, Ligparse                                1LIGPREP, Neutralizer                             1LIGPREP, Premin Bmin                             1LIGPREP, Ring Conf                               1LIGPREP, Stereoizer                              1LIGPREP, Tautomerizer                            1MACROMODEL                                       5MACROMODEL, Autoref                              5MACROMODEL, Confgen                              5MACROMODEL, Csearch Mbae                         5MAESTRO, Unix                                 1000MMLIBS                                        3511PHASE, CL Phasedb Confsites                      1PHASE, CL Phasedb Convert                        1PHASE, CL Phasedb Manage                         1PHASE, DPM Ligprep Clean Structures              1PHASE, DPM Ligprep Generate Conformers           5PHASE, MD Create sites                           1PRIME, CM Build Membrane                         2PRIME, CM Build Structure                        2PRIME, CM Edit Alignment                         2PRIME, CM Struct Align                          18PRIME, Threading Search                          2QSITE                                            5SITEMAP                                         10

Schrodinger Example Files

Example SBATCH jobs and outputs are available to review here: 



COMSOL is a problem-solving simulation environment, enforcing compatibility guarantees consistent multiphysics models. COMSOL Multiphysics is a general-purpose software platform, based on advanced numerical methods, for modeling and simulating physics-based problems. The package is cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). The COMSOL Desktop helps you organize your simulation by presenting a clear overview of your model at any point. It uses functional form, structure, and aesthetics as the means to achieve simplicity for modeling complex realities.

NOTE: This license is for academic use only with Floating Network Licensing in nature i.e., authorized users are allowed to use the software on desktops. Please contact for the license. However, COMSOL is also available on NYU HPC cluster Greene.

In order to check what Comsol licenses are available on Greene use comsol_licenses command in your terminal session.

Several versions of COMSOL are available on the HPC cluster. To use COMSOL on the Greene HPC cluster, please load the relevant module in your batch job submission script:

module load comsol/

To submit a COMSOL job in a parallel fashion, running on multiple processing cores, follow below steps.

mkdir /scratch/<net_id>/examplecd /scratch/<net_id>/example
cp /scratch/work/public/examples/comsol/run-comsol.sbatch /scratch/<net_id>/example/
cp /scratch/work/public/examples/comsol/test-input.mph /scratch/<net_id>/example/
sbatch run-comsol.sbatch


Mathematica is a general computing environment with organizing algorithmic, visualization, and user interface capabilities. The many mathematical algorithms included in Mathematica make computation easy and fast.

To run Mathematica on the Greene HPC cluster, please load the relevant module in your batch job submission script:

module load mathematica/12.1.1

Note: In the example below the module is loaded already in the sbatch script.

To submit a batch Mathematica job for running in a parallel mode on multiple processing cores, follow below steps.

mkdir /scratch/<net_id>/examplecd /scratch/<net_id>/example
cp /scratch/work/public/examples/mathematica/basic/example.m /scratch/<net_id>/example/
cp /scratch/work/public/examples/mathematica/basic/run-mathematica.sbatch /scratch/<net_id>/example
sbatch run-mathematica.sbatch


SAS is a software package which enables programmers to perform many tasks, including:

There are licenses for 2 CPUs on the HPC Cluster.

Running a parallel SAS job on HPC cluster (Greene):

To submit a SAS job for running on multiple processing elements, follow below steps.

mkdir /scratch/<net_id>/examplecd /scratch/<net_id>/example
cp /scratch/work/public/examples/sas/  /scratch/<net_id>/example/cp /scratch/work/public/examples/sas/  /scratch/<net_id>/example/cp /scratch/work/public/examples/sas/run-sas.sbatch  /scratch/<net_id>/example/
sbatch run-sas.sbatch


MATLAB is a technical computing environment for high performance numeric computation and visualization. MATLAB integrates numerical analysis, matrix computation, signal processing, and graphics in an easy to use environment without using traditional programming.

MATLAB on personal computers and laptops

NYU has a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license which provides campus-wide access to MATLAB, Simulink, and a variety of add-on products. All faculty, researchers, and students (on any NYU campus) can use MATLAB on their personal computers and laptops and may go to the following site to download the NYU site license software free of charge.

MATLAB can be used for non-commercial, academic purposes.

There are several versions of Matlab available on the cluster and the relevant version can be loaded.

module load matlab/2020b
module load matlab/2021a

In order to run MATLAB interactively on the cluster, start an interactive slurm job, load the matlab module and launch an interactive matlab session in the terminal. 

Mathworks has provided a Greene Matlab User Guide that presents useful tips and practices for using Matlab on the cluster.


Stata is a command and menu-driven software package for statistical analysis. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Most of its users work in research. Stata's capabilities include data management, statistical analysis, graphics, simulations, regression and custom programming. 

Running a parallel STATA job on HPC cluster (Greene):

To submit a STATA job for running on multiple processing elements, follow below steps.

mkdir /scratch/<net_id>/example
cd /scratch/<net_id>/example
cp /scratch/work/public/examples/stata/run-stata.sbatch  /scratch/<net_id>/example/cp /scratch/work/public/examples/stata/  /scratch/<net_id>/example/
sbatch run-stata.sbatch


Gaussian uses basic quantum mechanic electronic structure programs. This software is capable of handling proteins and large molecules using semi-empirical, ab initio molecular orbital (MO), density functional, and molecular mechanics calculations.

The NYU Gaussian license only covers PIs at the Washington Square Park campus. We will grant access to you after verifying your WSP affiliation. For access, please email

Running a parallel Gaussian job on HPC cluster (Greene):

To submit a Gaussian job for running on multiple processing elements, follow below steps.

mkdir /scratch/<net_id>/examplecd /scratch/<net_id>/example   #Copy example files to your newly created directory.cp /scratch/work/public/examples/gaussian/basic/  /scratch/<net_id>/example/cp /scratch/work/public/examples/gaussian/basic/run-gaussian.sbatch  /scratch/<net_id>/example/
sbatch run-gaussian.sbatch


Knitro is a commercial software package for solving large scale mathematical optimization problems. Knitro is specialized for nonlinear optimization, but also solves linear programming problems, quadratic programming problems, systems of nonlinear equations, and problems with equilibrium constraints. The unknowns in these problems must be continuous variables in continuous functions; however, functions can be convex or nonconvex. Knitro computes a numerical solution to the problem—it does not find a symbolic mathematical solution. Knitro versions 9.0.1 and 10.1.1 are available.

Running a parallel Knitro job on HPC cluster (Greene):

To submit a Knitro job for running on multiple processing elements, follow below steps.

mkdir /scratch/<net_id>/example
cd /scratch/<net_id>/example
cp /scratch/work/public/examples/knitro/ /scratch/<net_id>/example/
sbatch <script>.sbatch