The Void

Based on pure random things in real life I will adjust the settings and produce new art based on that.

Circle resolution: rolling two dice

Color: picking one of my hats and replicating the color as best as I can

X movement: how much I've snacked/eaten that day

Y movement: how many bottles of water I drank in a day

Rotation speed: asking my sister to pick a number from 10-30

Increasing/decreasing size speed: my choice

Triggering color change auto/rotation auto: flipping coins


Controlling the Void: Full demo

Here are the results of using random things in real life to change the art over 5 days:


Controlling the void: Day 1


Controlling the Void: Day 2


Controlling the Void: Day 3


Controlling the Void: Day 4


Controlling the Void: Day 5