This is a mini project just for answering the question of: "What is the experience you get when listening to a song broken up into its individual components?" Does it enhance the experience or not?

In this experiment, I decided to space apart the different components of the song evenly and then have a spot in the middle of the space where the user can listen to all the components simultaneously. Then, when the user feels like venturing out to find the different components, they can experience the changing priorities of the the different components of the song. As they get closer to one component of the song, the other components will start to fade out more.

My personal experience with this question in a video game context is that even though I have an appreciation for each component of the song, I think it distracts from experiencing the entire song in general and I'm not sure if this will be a pleasant experience in a video game. I'm not sure if this analogy applies but it felt like eating the different parts of a sandwich rather than just taking a bite out of the entire sandwich all at once. Just eating the bread, or the lettuce or the tomato feels way different than just experiencing the entire sandwich. However, if I was experiencing this in another medium like an digital art museum, then I think it would be cool.

Overall this was a fun little experiment about music and I'll continue to gather data on this as people play it and comment on it in the page I have setup for it. The data could be useful for the future :D .

Huge shoutout to BellKalengar, who helped me with this experiment by composing the song used in the work (his links will be placed below):

BellKalengar's Itch Profile & BellKalengar's Youtube Channel

You can play this experiment here
