
Arts-Based Research

These books discuss the various art forms that could be used as part of qualitative research. In my initial thoughts regarding the ways I could collect data for my culminating project, I considered using some group work such as group tableaux, to see what commonalities occurred within the sample group. Seen as I have not completed my final dissertation proposal, these will serve as great resources for me should I decide to use more than one arts-based measure to collect data. I have used these texts for previous NYU coursework assignments and they have included a wealth of information. 


Third Culture Kids

The texts and links below have served me greatly in researching what is currently out there with regards to TCK's. In my opinion, they have demonstrated the need for further research, especially on providing teachers who work closely with these students, hands-on advice and insight into their world. 

-Using poems as auto-ethnographical poems / belongings as personal relationships rather than belongings/ 26–70-year-olds. Cultural identity shifts / Subtractive, affirmative, Addictive, intercultural


Ethnodrama and Verbatim Theatre

With the intention of using verbatim theatre for my culminating project, these texts provide me with valuable information with regards to the genre, key principles, and the process with which the spoken word can be transformed into theatre.

"It allows people to speak for themselves"

-Salvatore documents his process from interview to script creation and then reflection. 70-90 minute scripts.


International Education

These titles offer a small insight into the world of international teaching and the transient lifestyle.