ARTSPRAXIS responds to the call for a rich dialogue between all those committed to the arts in educational and community contexts. The journal includes contributions from arts educators, therapists, arts agencies, arts administrators, funding bodies, arts scholars, and community artists from diverse settings. The journal emphasizes critical analysis of the arts in society.

ARTSPRAXIS provides a platform for contributors to interrogate why the arts matter and how the arts can be persuasively argued for in a range of domains. The pressing issues which face the arts in society are deconstructed. Contributors are encouraged to write in a friendly and accessible manner appropriate to a wide readership. Nonetheless, contributions should be informed and scholarly, and must demonstrate the author’s knowledge of the material being discussed. Clear compelling arguments are preferred, arguments which are logically and comprehensively supported by the appropriate literature. Authors are encouraged to articulate how their research design best fits the question (s) being examined. Research design includes the full range of quantitative and qualitative methods, including arts-based inquiry; case study, narrative and ethnography; historical and autobiographical; experimental and quasi-experimental analysis; survey and correlation research. Articles which push the boundaries of research design and those which encourage innovative methods of presenting findings are encouraged.

Contributions which seek dialogue across the art forms are welcomed. Current issues include contributions from the annual NYU Forum series as well as those submitted from a cross section of researchers and practitioners in the Educational and Applied Theatre field. Our goal is to motivate a dialogue that will enrich the development of educational theatre in the coming years.

ARTSPRAXIS currently publishes at least two peer-reviewed issues per year. There are no fees associated with review or publication. ARTSPRAXIS is an open access journal, free to all viewers. Copyright for all articles rests with the authors. The author is permitted to print, post, or otherwise distribute the Journal’s PDF version of the accepted contribution.

Editorial correspondence and article submissions should be addressed to the editor, Dr. Jonathan P. Jones.

Visit the homepage for the NYU Steinhardt Program in Educational Theatre

NYU Steinhardt

Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions

Program in Educational Theatre

35 W. 4th Street, Suite 1077 - New York, NY 10012 - 212 998 5424

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Copyright © for individual articles rests with the authors.

Updated June 13, 2024