Make It, Print It, Sell It

Intro to 3D printing, 3D modeling, and online entrepreneurship 


Make It, Print It, Sell It focuses on creating 3D models with Autodesk Tinkercad and becoming familiar with 3D printing processes and applications.

This class concludes with an introduction to Shapeways, an online 3D printing service where you can order prints and sell your work in the Shapeways marketplace.

How Does
Make it, Print it, Sell it Work?

Make It

Learn the principles of iterative design by creating projects in 3D design software and taking them from rough prototypes to printable products.

Print It

Prep your 3D models for printing on a variety of platforms, materials, and use cases. Learn how to print using Shapeways, a 3D printing service.

Sell It

Explore how digital entrepreneurship can leverage the special qualities of 3D printing by applying them to a small-scale business strategy.

What Will You Learn?

3D printing processes and applications.

3D modeling with Tinkercad.

3D printing services for production and entrepreneurship.

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