Follow me: Robotic arm and object tracking - Benjamin Sopin

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Project Summary

My Science Research topic that piqued my interest the most would mostly likely be engineering , specifically mechanical engineering. For this project I have chosen to go with a simple yet effective problem, “How can I make Physical Therapy even more engaging and/or make patients more motivated to complete their exercises?”. Many people who go through accidents that leave them needing physical therapy will most likely stop performing the exercises that the therapist has assigned for them , because they are just too repetitive or they are just lacking the entertainment needed to keep that person focused on getting better. I will be creating a robotic arm that also uses object tracking to detect the location of a ball (tennis ball) and move to its precise location. I have already started off with a prototype of the robot.

What is the most important thing you have learned in Science Research?

One of the most memorable and useful habits that I have picked up from being within Science Research is the ability to ask for help. When you are working on your own topic or research you tend to forget that right behind you are people who may not know exactly what you are doing ,but are always willing to help you get through your problem.

Ben Sopin Follow me Robotic arm and object tracking
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