Northwestern HS

 Clubs & Activities

Drama Club

Club Description: The Northwestern Drama Club is made of students 6-12 grade who work together to present 3-5 shows a year, including a Middle School musical and a High School Musical and has something for everyone, on stage or behind the scenes.  The Drama Club is currently under the direction of Mrs. Shannon Ordakowski.  Check out our website at for more information and our upcoming shows

Contact Person/Advisor: Mrs. Shannon

Gamer Guild

Club Description: This club is to connect gamers of all kinds in a fun, inclusive environment. Join us for role-playing games, board games, card games, card-trading games, and video games. All students are welcome and invited to initiate pickup games and tournaments. Come weekly or drop in when you can. Held Wednesdays 2:30-4:30 from November-March. 

Contact Person/Advisor: Mr. Andy

Contact Person(s)/Advisor(s) are :

Mr. Asmondy (

Mr. Clint Corder (

Mr. Miller-MS (

Northwestern Technology Department

Through work experience, the mission of this program is to help students graduate, become gainfully employed and be contributors to society by developing necessary skills, attitudes and abilities for whatever path they choose after graduation.  

The program will offer you the opportunity to work after school or during the summer to not only gain work experience, but make a little money and help you on your resume.

The after school club is limited to students currently enrolled in a Wildcat Ventures class and the summer club is limited to students who enrolled in the program for the following year.


Club Description: Forte is an auditioned vocal group for high school students who enjoy singing and performing. Responsibilities include one rehearsal per week and availability to perform with the group at school and community events from October through June.  

Contact Person- Dana Kuhn


Club Description: Mission Statement Art Club is an after school (Lunch Time) organization that provides support and enrichment for those students seeking a creative outlet in the visual arts and are looking for an experience exploring the arts.  To give back to our community, school, and others, using our talents and gifts in unique ways. Creating an environment where all the arts and creative individuals can come together.

Contact Person: Nancy Chase

United States Academic Decathlon

Club Description: Academic Decathlon is an academic competion held locally, regionally, across the sate, and nationally.  The team competes in Art, Music, Math, Science, Social Science, Literature, Economics, Essay, Interview, and Speech (Impromptu and Prepared).  Individuals compete at their own level.  Honors are the "A" students, Scholastic are the "B" students, and Varsity are the "C" and "D" students.  The team needs a minimum of three students at each level to compete at the regional, state, and national levels.  Students can take the .5 credit class and/or attend after school practices two times a week.  The season usually consists of 2-3 local competitions and then regionals.  Those that qualify advance to states and possibly to nationals.  Northwestern has competed at states a number of times and has hosted a number of competitions.  The team has also brought home alomost $650,000 in scholarships.

Contact Persons: Greg Nieder

Chris Haskins


The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science is an Affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and sponsored by the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.  PJAS involves independent research projects across twelve categories: Behavioral Psychology, Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Space, Ecology, Engineering, Mathematics, Microbiology, and Physics.  Students in grades 7-12 are eligible to  participate.  Regional and State competitions offer a variety of prizes and scholarships.  

Contact Advisors: Michelle Ruland ~

Club Description: Jazz Band is an auditioned extracurricular ensemble that meets 2 days a week during winter and spring months. 

Contact: Jillian Melchitzky ~

Membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. The Northwestern Chapter has worked hard to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers, and the community and strives to give practical meaning to the Society’s standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four ideals are considered as the basis for selection. 

The National Honor Society organizes special fundraisers for charities and centers on community service outreach to help local businesses and organizations in and out of Northwestern High School.

Membership is open to all eligible sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are selected during the induction process. Letters of eligibility are sent out each September.  

For more information, contact Mr. Andrew Wolfe at 

Class of 2025  Activity Club

Open to all Northwestern High Seniors in the Graduating Class of 2025.  Join to be part of the  planning and organization for activities and fundraisers.

Advisors: Barb Miller

Class of 2026 Activity Club

Open to all Northwestern High Juniors in the Graduating Class of 2026.  Join to be part of the  planning and organization for upcoming events, activities, and fundraisers.

Advisors: Ashley Madara

Class of 2027 Activity Club

Open to all Northwestern High Sophomores in the Graduating Class of 2027.  Join to be part of the  planning and organization for activities and fundraisers.

Advisors: Andrew Wolfe

Class of 2028 Activity Club

Open to all Northwestern High Freshman in the Graduating Class of 2028.  Join to be part of the  planning and organization for activities and fundraisers.

Advisors: Scarlette Macfarlane

p.A.W. Mentors

As a PAW Mentor, you are concerned with the overall environment of Northwestern High School and want to make everyone's experiences here as positive as possible. You believe that kindness matters, even on a small scale, respect for others is imperative, and strive to be the good in the world around you. 

You would like to make a difference in your school, be a model and mentor to others, and make a mark in the world. 

Advisors: Patricia Wood and Annakaye Fenell