Creative Productions

meet the 2023-2024 Creative Productions Crew

Lochlan "Lochy" Warren

I’m a senior here at Northwestern, and I’ve been going to NWSD since I moved here in 4th grade. I am an avid reader and writer. I am also a part of the Gamer Guild here at the school. I spend my free time either playing video games or reading. I took this class because I had no friends in ceramics, and apparently now I’m getting married, thanks to Mrs. Wood. 

Tyler Carr

Hello! My name is Tyler Carr. If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I really like to read. Even though I’m mostly interested in the sci-fi and fantasy genres, I also have an interest in cautionary tales, along with the slightly-romantic Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. I’ve also recently become slightly interested in manga, though I don’t have any manga in my book collection yet.

Deanna  Ransom

My name is Deanna Ransom. I am one of the few seniors in the Creative Production class. I have three brothers: two older brothers and one younger brother who is in kindergarten. Most of you would know one of my older brothers, Nathan Ransom. I have 3 pets: two yellow labs named Luke and Lexi, and a black cat called Loki- (Loki is my pet I got for Christmas). I am a part of the Drama Club and have been doing it since 6th grade. I am also a part of Forte, NHS (National Honors Society), and ITS (International Thespian Society). I am hoping to go to college to get my BSN in nursing to become either an ER nurse or a pediatric nurse. I am also a Dancer outside of school.

Joe Schaukowitsch

Hi, I’m Joe Schaukowitsch, some call me "Joe Schauk," and I am a Junior at Northwestern Senior High School. I have many goals in life and want to be the best person I can be. I like playing sports and think that I am pretty decent at baseball. I’m okay at basketball, and I work very hard to get better at it. I want to join the Coast Guard and become a search and rescue pilot. I like the outdoors and have fun hanging out with friends. If you have any questions about Creative Productions and what we can do, you can email me at

David White

Hello, I’m David White. I play for the high school football and baseball team. A few things I enjoy doing are going to the gym, hanging with my friends and family, and playing sports. My future plans are to either go  full or part-time in the Army, so I can still go to college and play sports. 

Braden "El Dinero/Squidward" Sabados

I'm a sophomore at Northwestern High School, and I am a student in Mrs. Wood’s Creative Productions class. I am very interested in musical arts and have always enjoyed finding out about new music. Also, when I was in fifth grade I got to read the Emancipation Proclamation in front of the whole school; I just thought that was worth sharing. My hopes for the future are to go to college and get a degree in music theory and hopefully be able to have a job relating to music. I'm also getting married, thanks to Mrs. Wood. 

Natalie Pinckney

I am a freshman here at Northwestern. I have been at Northwestern since Pre-k. I went to Springfield Elementary  (which is so much better than Northwestern Elementary). I am in marching band, drama club, forte, and FFA. I have one younger sister who is in 5th grade. I spend my free time singing and coloring. I took this class because I got bored in my study hall because I had nothing to do.  

Mrs. Wood

Back after a 7 1/2ish year hiatus, I am so thrilled to be reprising my role as the 9th grade English teacher here at NWSD. Additionally, I teach one section of 11th grade, and now Creative Productions as well. These students work so hard, and are so patient with the learning process this has been for all of us. It is truly a joyous way to end the school day, creating with these fine folks.