Professional Development Resources

The following key resources from the What is C3WP webpage are useful for introducing teachers and district leaders to C3WP in beginning sessions of a professional development sequence:

  • Program Design Principles
  • Resource Design Principles
  • Cycles of Instruction
  • Instructional resources guides

The resources on this page support the leadership development of writing projects, extending the expertise of professional development facilitators.

C3WP core and supplemental readings give teachers an important opportunity to dive deeper into concepts that under gird the design principles and resources of C3WP. Through reading and discussion supported by professional development facilitators, teachers explore these resources and apply them in using and adapting C3WP resources for their classrooms.

Supporting Formative Assessment: UST in PD Resources

The following resources support professional development facilitators as they use C3WP's Using Sources Tool. Designed to be used as part of whole group professional development, the Using Sources Tool in Professional Development resources can be used to introduce the UST and engage teachers in discussion of the purpose and process for using the UST to analyze student writing to plan next instructional steps.

These resources provide professional development facilitators with workshop designs or tools that focus on various aspects of C3WP.