Secondary Instructional Resources

The Secondary Instructional Resources Guide is the key to how the C3WP works and teachers’ best friend as they create an argument writing curriculum that develops across the year through multiple C3WP Cycles of Instruction. Each resource reflects the C3WP Instructional Resources Design Principles.

C3WP is not a curriculum to be followed; it’s an organized set of rich materials that work in conjunction with National Writing Project professional development and C3WP formative assessment tools. Teachers, in consultation with NWP teacher-leaders, design their own path through the materials, choosing the resources that best fit the skill level of their students. To support teachers as they develop that path, C3WP’s formative assessment resources help teachers see what their students already know and what they are ready to learn. The guide works in tandem with frequent formative opportunities that are embedded in classroom practice and professional conversations.

The categories in the black bars organize the materials in groups that progress in sophistication and complexity. The resources in Entering the Conversation and Using Source Material Purposefully are relatively short, easy to use, and seek to initiate students into source-based arguments. Advancing Arguments with Evidence and Researching Self-Selected Topics depend on students already having experienced some of the the resources in the previous categories and are ready to tackle more sophisticated skills. The resources in Supplementary Resources can be used to supplement any part of the instruction.

To access each instructional resource, ctrl+click on the title.

2018 C3WP Instructional Resources Guide | DRAFT