Goal Three

Action Step Two

District Goal: Northwestern Local Schools will strive to build and strengthen relationships with our stakeholders through consistent, reliable, and coordinated communication.

Action Step: Develop protocols to address situations of importance to our district stakeholders.

Grade Level/Subject Area: Elementary


- Deliver timely communication through the use of email, websites, social media, One Call Now and traditional paper mailings and newsletters.

- In the event of emergency situations we will follow our District Safety Plan and the Incident Commander at the time of the event to determine when to communicate all facts about the event.

Key People and Responsibilities:

- Superintendent, Administration, All Teachers and District Support Members.

Timelines: Short Term:

- Short Term – Examine current forms and plans for communication and refine in areas as necessary.

- Long Range – Stay up to date on new forms of technology

Progress Monitoring:

- Progress monitoring will be ongoing.

Reporting Periods:

Resources Needed:

Professional Development Needed:

- If PD pertains to this action step, it would involve support staff (secretaries) attending PD that will assist them in finding new avenues for communication and refining our current processes.

Questions, Comments, Concerns: