Goal Three

Action Step One

District Goal 3: Northwestern Local Schools will strive to build and strengthen relationships with our stakeholders through consistent, reliable, and coordinated communication.

Action Step 1: Continue to develop social media strategies, website postings, and news media coverage.

Grade Level/Subject Area: Jr/Sr High


  • Continue to Improve School Website.

  • Establish Instagram and Twitter accounts to increase social media following and content.

  • Continue to provide video announcements for the faculty, staff, and students body.

  • Provide local media with information on positive events or activities at or related to the school.

  • Compile a list of students and alumni who have or are serving in the military.

Key People and Responsibilities: Administration, administrative assistant, business teachers, faculty, athletic director

Timelines: Long Range: Year One

Progress Monitoring: Building administrators will periodically meet with key personnel. At the end of each school year, school administrators with guidance counselors and teachers will assess the progress of the action step and revise accordingly.

Reporting Periods:

Resources Needed: School website, teacher web pages, Call One

Professional Development Needed: None

Questions, Comments, Concerns: