Roles and Responsibilities
The balance of authority and specific requirements of the law result in some specific responsibilities and authorities for individuals and groups of stakeholders. Though generally discussed in later modules, it can be helpful to have most responsibilities and authorities listed together. Below are the responsibilities and authorities for the Board of School Trustees, the Superintendent, the School Supervisor, the Principal, and the School Organizational Teams.
Responsibility and Authority of the Board of School Trustees
The Board of School Trustees has general authority under Nevada Law to establish and operate schools, as long as their actions do not conflict with the Nevada Constitution and the laws of the State of Nevada (NRS 386.350). Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes:
Approval of recommendation to reduce the size of any specialty school or convert a specialty school into any other type of school if not already otherwise provided by law (NRS 388G.600).
Approval of the Superintendent's recommendation for the transfer of additional authorities from central services to schools, within a specified timeframe (NRS 388G.610).
Establishment of a dispute resolution process for issues relating to issues relating to retaliation and reprisal as a result of the performance of duties as a member of a school organizational team (NAC 388G.100).
Submission of a Plan of Corrective Action if requested by the Superintendent of Public Instruction related compliance with the requirements of the Reorganization. (NAC 388G.100, R063-22).
Responsibility and Authority of the Superintendent
The Superintendent has general authority and accountability for achieving student achievement results within the policies established by the Board of School Trustees. Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes:
Related to Authority and Operation of Schools
Development of a recommendation to reduce the size of any specialty school or convert a specialty school into any other type of school if not already otherwise provided by law (NRS 388G.600).
The transfer to schools the authority to select and supervise staff for the school in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreements, purchase equipment, services and supplies the school deems necessary or advisable to carry out the school's plan of operation in accordance with the applicable District policies, develop a balanced school budget and any other responsibility transferred from central office to schools (NRS 388G.610).
If a notice is received from a region or school associate superintendent that a plan of operation has not been approved by at least 75 percent of the voting members of the school organizational team present for the vote, develop and approve a plan of operation for the school. (This approval is final and not subject to further appeal or judicial review.)
Ensuring administrative procedures are established to ensure principals select teachers who are licensed and in good standing before selecting substitutes to teach in schools, as required by NRS 388G.610 (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section IX).
Ensuring that a unit, division, or department that funds and supervises an employee assigned to schools provides principals with a mechanism to provide feedback on the assignment and a mechanism to request a change in assignment of employees assigned to schools (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section X).
Ensuring responsibilities are transferred in such a manner as to ensure that principals are able to make meaningful decisions regarding the responsibilities and control and discretion with respect to the use of funds allocated for the purpose of carrying out the responsibility in the best interest of students, and within the limits established by federal and state law, District policies and regulations, and collective bargaining agreements (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section I).
Ensuring the development of administrative guidelines necessary for principals to define the limits to the authority of principals in order to ensure compliance with federal and state law, District policies and regulations, and collective bargaining agreements (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section I).
Responsibility for paying for and carrying out all responsibilities necessary for the operation of the schools and the District not specifically transferred to principals and as enumerated in NRS 388G.610(3) (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section I).
Determination and recommendation to the Board of School Trustees of additional authority that should be transferred from central services to schools if it will serve the best interests of pupils (NRS 388G.610).
Determination of responsibilities to be offered for purchase by schools and publication to principals of draft service level agreements for those responsibilities, annually (NAC 388G.120).
Final decision authority on an appeal of the method for allocation of funds transferred to schools as required when additional responsibility is transferred (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section V).
Related to Selection, Assignment, and Reassignment of Staff
Final selection, assignment, and reassignment of school associate superintendent candidate hiring after engaging in the requirements of the process for hiring school associate superintendents (NRS 388G.620).
Assign duties to school associate superintendents at his or her own discretion (NRS 288G.630) and implement an operating structure that ensures School Associate Superintendents fulfill the responsibilities enumerated in NRS 388G.630 (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XII).
Provide a list of staff eligible for selection by a school principal (NRS 388G.700).
Final selection, assignment, and reassignment of principal candidate hiring after engaging in the requirements of the process for hiring principals (NRS 388G.740).
Related to Allocation of Funds to Schools
Ensuring that schools are funded utilizing the State per-pupil funding model in accordance with Nevada law (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XVII), and that the use of carryforward dollars is monitored (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XIX).
Establish and make public information related to allocation of funds to schools, by January 15 annually (NRS 388G.660).
Development of administrative guidelines for principals (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXXI) and inform schools the estimated amount of money that will be allocated the next year, by January 15 annually (NRS 388G.680).
Determine and make public information related to allocation of funds to schools, vacant positions at schools, and the use of funds for salary and benefits of teachers and other employees (NRS 388G.690).
Provide necessary maintenance or repair of a school in a timely manner, or if unable to do so, procure any equipment, services and supplies necessary from another entity or business to provide such maintenance or repair (NRS 388G.610).
Related to School Organizational Teams
Receipt and public posting of information provided by principals related to the process for electing parents to school organizational teams (NRS 388G.720).
Ensuring that processes are carried out annually to support the election and training of members of School Organizational Teams (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXII, XXIV) and that school organizational team meeting materials are posted publicly (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXIV).
Final consideration and decision of an appeal related to the approval of a school plan of operation (NRS 388G.750).
Related to Implementation of the Reorganization
Implementation of dispute resolution and compliance recommendation processes (CCSD Regulation 2130 Sections XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX).
Implementation of a survey to all stakeholders to measure their satisfaction with schools and a survey to central services to measure satisfaction with their ability to serve schools, by May 1 annually (NRS 388G.800).
Preparation of a report with information related to the implementation of the Reorganization and operating under the Reorganization is prepared annually and provided to the Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the members of the Legislature, by October 1 annually (NRS 388G.810).
Development a report with information related to legal and regulatory compliance is prepared annually and made available on the CCSD website, by October 1 annually (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXXIV).
Fulfillment of all public posting requirements of Nevada law related to the Reorganization CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXXV).
Responsibility and Authority of the School Supervisor
School Associate Superintendents are required to and Region Superintendents fulfill requirements to:
Regarding Supervised Schools
Consult with the Superintendent regarding the selection of a candidate to fill a vacant principal position (NRS 388G.740), and provide training to and supervise the principal of the local school precinct (NRS 388G.630).
Review and approve the plan of operation for the local school precinct (NRS 388G.630, NRS 388G.750).
If a notice is received from a principal that a plan of operation has not been approved by at least 75 percent of the voting members of the school organizational team present for the vote, submit notice to the superintendent and notify the principal of the development and approval of a plan of operation by the superintendent.
Ensure that each local school precinct to which he or she is assigned to oversee remains in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws (NRS 388G.630).
Provide a report in person, not less than quarterly, to the governing body of each city and county within which a local school precinct to which he or she is assigned to oversee is located and, if created pursuant to NRS 388G.760, to the Community Education Advisory Board (NRS 388G.630).
Carry out any other duties assigned by the superintendent at his or her discretion or after approval by the superintendent of a request made by the local school precinct (NRS 388G.630).
Participate in a survey to central services to measure satisfaction with their ability to serve schools, by May 1 annually (NRS 388G.800).
Receive input regarding the principal from the school organizational team not more than two times each school year (NRS 388G.740).
Meet with principals to review draft service level agreements provided by the Superintendent and compile and provide to the Superintendent a report of comments received from principals.(NAC 388G.120).
Responsibility and Authority of the Principal
Principals have the responsibility to establish systems and structures to implement the plan of operation at a school, including:
Regarding Use of Funds and the Plan of Operation
Developing a balanced school budget and any other responsibility transferred from central office to schools (NRS 388G.610, NRS 388G.700, CCSD Regulation 2130 Section IX).
Opportunity to request a review of the methodology by which funds are allocated to schools with an additional responsibility transferred from central services (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section V).
Developing the proposed school plan of operation informed by: the principal’s experience and expertise as an educator and school leader in meeting the needs of students; District policies, regulations, and administrative guidelines; District priorities and guidance from the principal’s supervisor; and the advice and assistance of the school organizational team as it relates to the development of the school budget and school performance plan (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XIII).
Notifying the members of the school organizational team of the date, time, and location that the proposed plan of operation will be presented for approval and submitting the proposed plan of operation to the school organizational team for approval.
Submission of the proposed plan of operation for the local school precinct to the school associate superintendent for approval (NRS 388G.700) if at least 75 percent of the voting members of the school organizational team present at the time of the vote approved the proposed plan of operation.
Notification to the Region or School Associate Superintendent if the proposed plan of operation is not approved by a vote of at least 75 percent of the members of the organizational team who are present at the time of the vote.
Carrying out the school plan of operation, including:
The purchase of equipment, services, and supplies the principal requires to carry out the school plan of operation as defined by NRS 388G.545, in alignment with district purchasing policies and regulations and the limitations set forth in NRS 388G.610(3).
Paying for and carrying out any specific responsibility transferred to the school by the Board of School Trustees, according to the specific terms provided in the approved transfer of responsibility.
Specifically planning for and use of carryforward dollars toward meeting the goals established in the plan of operation.
Ensuring that funds are used purposefully with a focused on student outcomes, in alignment with the school performance plan (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XIV), in the best interest of students, and within the limits established by federal and state law, District policies and regulations, and collective bargaining agreements (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section I).
Review with the School Associate Superintendent any draft service level agreements provided by the Superintendent (NAC 388G.120) and negotiate specific terms of a service level agreement (NAC 388G. 130), as long as the terms of the agreement are agreeable to both the principal and the District (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section VI).
Regarding Selection of Staff
The authority to select and supervise staff for the school in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreements from a list provided by the Superintendent, purchase equipment, services and supplies the school deems necessary or advisable to carry out the school's plan of operation in accordance with the applicable District policies (NRS 388G.610, NRS 388G.700, CCSD Regulation 2130 Section IX).
The responsibility to select teachers who are licensed and in good standing before selecting substitutes to teach at the local school precinct (NRS 388G.610, R063-22 Sec. 3).
The authority to consult with central services on the assignment and performance evaluation of central services staff to schools and with the superintendent on additional responsibilities to be transferred from central services to schools (NRS 388G.610, CCSD Regulation 2130 Section X).
Representation on the committee to interview candidates for vacant School Associate Superintendent positions (NRS 388G.620).
Regarding the School Organizational Team
Establishment and implementation of an organizational team for the local school precinct consisting of the members described in NRS 388G.720 on or before October 1 of each school year (NRS 388G.700, NRS 388G.720-750 CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXI-XXIII).
Carrying out specific activities during meetings of the school organizational team and ensure that the activities are documented in meeting agendas and minutes and posted on the school and/or District website as appropriate (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXIV).
Serving as the primary contact for the District for the school organizational team (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXVI).
Service as a voting member of the school organizational team.
Ensuring the integrity of the school organizational team agenda.
Halting any meeting of the School Organizational Team wherein behavior violates other laws, including student and employee privacy laws.
Regarding Implementation of the Reorganization
Participating in a survey to schools to measure their satisfaction with schools and satisfaction with the ability of central services to serve schools, by May 1 annually (NRS 388G.800).
Submission of a recommendation for implementation of the Reorganization to the Superintendent (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXIX).
Principals do not have the authority to:
Operate outside of State or Federal law or District policies and regulations, including procurement systems and structures.
Act as the signatory for contracts that obligate District funds, including funds allocated to school budgets.
Authorize the sharing of student information or provide access to district data systems.
Responsibility and Authority of the School Organizational Team
A school organizational team is a group of members of a school community that serves as an advisory body to the school principal by providing advice and assistance to the principal as it relates to the development and carrying out of the School Plan of Operation in accordance with NRS 388G.540 through NRS 388G.760. The School Organizational Team is responsible for:
Providing assistance and advice to the principal regarding the development of the School Plan of Operation (NRS 388G.740) and vote on whether to approve that plan of operation.
Providing continued assistance and advice to the principal in carrying out the School Plan of Operation (NRS 388G.740).
Assisting in the discussion of any additional authority to be transferred to the school to carry out responsibilities.
Assisting with the selection of the next principal when a principal vacancy occurs (NRS 388G.740).
In addition, the school organizational team has the authority to, upon a majority vote of a quorum of the voting members:
Consult with the principal in an effort to ensure that effective licensed teachers are employed at the school (NRS 388G.610).
Provide input regarding the principal of the local school precinct to the school associate superintendent not more than two times each school year (NRS 388G.740).
Request a review of the methodology by which funds are allocated to schools with an additional responsibility transferred from central services (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section V).
Select of a community member to serve as a nonvoting member of the school organizational team, in accordance with NRS 388G.720(4) (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXV).
Establish and facilitate meeting procedures and norms (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXV).
Formalize recommendations related to requests for use of school funds made by employees of the school (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXV).
Seek input or hearing concerns from members of the school community and formalizing recommendations related to those concerns (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXV).
Initiate an investigation by the Board of School Trustees pursuant to NRS 391A.383 concerning parent and family engagement and school culture (NRS 391A.383, CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXV).
Submit a recommendation regarding implementation of the Reorganization in writing to the Superintendent (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXIX).
School organizational teams are encouraged to communicate directly with and/or through the principal or, if necessary, the supervising region superintendent or school associate superintendent (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXV).
The school organizational team does not have the authority to:
Make decisions for the school or the district (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXVI).
Act as the custodian of records, respond to requests for public records, or release information protected by FERPA or other federal or state law to third parties (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXVI).
Authority of Individual Members of the School Organizational Team
Individual members of the school organizational team do not have the authority to speak on behalf of the school organizational team as a whole (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXVI). However, individual members do have the authority to submit a complaint alleging retaliation or reprisal by any District employee as a result of the performance of duties as a member of an organizational team, as long as the member is not an employee of the district (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXVII).
Responsibility and Authority of the Nevada State Board of Education
The Nevada State Board of Education has general authority under Nevada Law to "establish policies that govern the administration of all functions of the State relating to supervision, management and control of public schools not conferred by law on some other agency" (NRS 385.075). Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes:
Adopt such regulations as it deems necessary and appropriate to carry out the provisions of NRS 388G.500 to 388G.810, inclusive (NRS 388G.590)
Responsibility and Authority of the Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction
Nevada Law establishes the Superintendent of Public Instruction as the educational leader for the system of K-12 public education in this State. Also referred to as the "State Superintendent," the Superintendent serves as the executive leader of the Nevada Department of Education. Generally, the State Superintendent carries out and enforces policies prescribed by the State Board of Education (NRS 385.175).
Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes taking such actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure that the District carries out the reorganization according to Nevada law and regulations (NRS 388G.590).