Roles and Responsibilities

The balance of authority and specific requirements of the law result in some specific responsibilities and authorities for individuals and groups of stakeholders. Though generally discussed in later modules, it can be helpful to have most responsibilities and authorities listed together. Below are the responsibilities and authorities for the Board of School Trustees, the Superintendent, the School Supervisor, the Principal, and the School Organizational Teams.

Responsibility and Authority of the Board of School Trustees

The Board of School Trustees has general authority under Nevada Law  to establish and operate schools, as long as their actions do not conflict with the Nevada Constitution and the laws of the State of Nevada (NRS 386.350). Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes:

Responsibility and Authority of the Superintendent

The Superintendent has general authority and accountability for achieving student achievement results within the policies established by the Board of School Trustees.  Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes:

Related to Authority and Operation of Schools

Related to Selection, Assignment, and Reassignment of Staff

Related to Allocation of Funds to Schools

Related to School Organizational Teams

Related to Implementation of the Reorganization

Responsibility and Authority of the School Supervisor

School Associate Superintendents are required to and Region Superintendents fulfill requirements to:

Regarding Supervised Schools

Responsibility and Authority of the Principal

Principals have the responsibility to establish systems and structures to implement the plan of operation at a school, including:

Regarding Use of Funds and the Plan of Operation

Regarding Selection of Staff

Regarding the School Organizational Team

Regarding Implementation of the Reorganization

Principals do not have the authority to:

Responsibility and Authority of the School Organizational Team

A school organizational team is a group of members of a school community that serves as an advisory body to the school principal by providing advice and assistance to the principal as it relates to the development and carrying out of the School Plan of Operation in accordance with NRS 388G.540 through NRS 388G.760. The School Organizational Team is responsible for:

In addition, the school organizational team has the authority to, upon a majority vote of a quorum of the voting members:

School organizational teams are encouraged to communicate directly with and/or through the principal or, if necessary, the supervising region superintendent or school associate superintendent (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXV).

The school organizational team does not have the authority to:

Authority of Individual Members of the School Organizational Team

Individual members of the school organizational team do not have the authority to speak on behalf of the school organizational team as a whole (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXVI). However, individual members do have the authority to submit a complaint alleging retaliation or reprisal by any District employee as a result of the performance of duties as a member of an organizational team, as long as the member is not an employee of the district (CCSD Regulation 2130 Section XXVII).

Responsibility and Authority of the Nevada State Board of Education

The Nevada State Board of Education has general authority under Nevada Law to "establish policies that govern the administration of all functions of the State relating to supervision, management and control of public schools not conferred by law on some other agency" (NRS 385.075). Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes:

Responsibility and Authority of the Nevada Superintendent of Public Instruction

Nevada Law establishes the Superintendent of Public Instruction as the educational leader for the system of K-12 public education in this State. Also referred to as the "State Superintendent," the Superintendent serves as the executive leader of the Nevada Department of Education. Generally, the State Superintendent carries out and enforces policies prescribed by the State Board of Education (NRS 385.175).

Specific responsibilities and authority related to the Reorganization includes taking such actions as deemed necessary and appropriate to ensure that the District carries out the reorganization according to Nevada law and regulations (NRS 388G.590).