How to Form SOTs
SOT Size and Membership
School Organizational Teams must consist of the following:
Voting Members
The principal
2 to 4 licensed staff members
1 or 2 educational support professionals
4, 5, or 7 parents, representing 50% of the total number of voting members
Non‐Voting Members
1 student representative in secondary schools (middle, junior high, and high schools)
1 or more community members (optional)
Principals will decide the size of the SOT. The diagram below indicates possible team compositions.
SOT Membership Requirements and Elections
School Organizational Team members serve one-year terms from October 1 through September 30 with no term limits.
Licensed Staff Membership Requirements
2 to 4 licensed staff members, number to be determined by the school principal.
Membership on the Team must be open to all licensed staff at the school.
Elected by a vote of all licensed staff at the school.
At least 50% of those elected must be CCEA members.
Election process established and conducted by CCEA.
Contact CCEA at or visit
Licensed Staff Member Election
According to state law, The Clark County Education Association (CCEA) is responsible for the process for nominating and electing licensed staff to School Organizational Teams.
More information about the election process can be found at If you have further questions, email CCEA at
Vacancies in Licensed Staff Member Positions
Principals shall ensure that any vacancy on the school organizational team is filled within 30 days by collaborating with the organizations responsible for carrying out the individual elections under NRS 388G.720. If the vacancy occurs with the end of the school year, it shall be filled within 30 days of the start of the following school year.
An employee member of the school organizational team becomes ineligible and shall vacate the position on the school organizational team if:
The employee is no longer employed by the school.
The employee was elected as a teacher or other licensed employee and the employee moves to a position other than a teacher or other licensed employee.
The employee was elected as an employee other than a teacher or other licensed employee and the employee moves into a teacher or other licensed position.
Education Support Professionals Membership Requirements
1 education support professional or 2 educational support professionals if there are 4 licensed staff members on the Team.
Membership on Team is open to all education support professionals at the school who are members of ESEA.
Elected by a vote of all education support professionals at the school.
Election process established and conducted by ESEA.
Contact ESEA at (702)794-2537 or visit
Education Support Professionals Member Election
According to state law, the Education Support Employees Association (ESEA) is responsible for the process for nominating and electing education support professionals to School Organizational Teams.
More information about the election process can be found at If you have further questions, call ESEA at 702-794-2537.
Vacancies in Education Support Professionals Member Positions
Principals shall ensure that any vacancy on the school organizational team is filled within 30 days by collaborating with the organizations responsible for carrying out the individual elections under NRS 388G.720. If the vacancy occurs with the end of the school year, it shall be filled within 30 days of the start of the following school year.
An employee member of the school organizational team becomes ineligible and shall vacate the position on the school organizational team if:
The employee is no longer employed by the school.
The employee was elected as a teacher or other licensed employee and the employee moves to a position other than a teacher or other licensed employee.
The employee was elected as an employee other than a teacher or other licensed employee and the employee moves into a teacher or other licensed position.
Parent or Guardian Member Requirements
3 to 6 parents or guardians, representing 50% of the total number of voting members.
Employees at the school are not eligible.
If the school has a parent organization, they will establish the process for electing parent/guardian members.
If no parent organization exists, the principal will run the process.
Parents and guardians must be notified of the opportunity to serve on the Team, how to be placed on the ballot, and when the vote will occur.
Contact the Nevada PTA at (702)258-7885 or FACES at (702)799-0303.
Parent or Guardian Member Election
Parents and legal guardians are eligible to be members of the SOT at the schools where their children are currently enrolled.
CCSD employees cannot serve as the parent/guardian members of the SOT if their child attends the school at which they work. However, those employees may serve as a licensed or support staff member of the SOT at that school. CCSD employees may also serve as a parent/guardian member of a SOT if their child attends a school different from their work location.
According to state law, if a parent organization (PTA) currently exists at a school, they will establish and run the election process for parents. For schools without a parent organization, the school principal will run the election process.
Parent Election Process for Schools with a PTA
The school PTA will send out nomination form for parents/legal guardians. Parents can nominate themselves or another parent/guardian at the school.
A ballot will be created based on the nominations received.
Elections will take place during a meeting at the school (date and time TBD by each school's PTA and principal).
All parents, regardless of PTA membership, can vote for their representatives on the SOT.
Contact Nevada PTA at 702-258-7885 or with questions.
Sample letters (in English and Spanish) have been provided for schools with current PTAs to send home informing parents about the election process at their school.
06b-PTA Parent Letter_SPANISH.docx
These documents have spaces for schools to insert information specific to their school.
The school principal is responsible for overseeing the parent/guardian election process at schools with no current PTA. Please see 07-Parent Election Process.docx for requirements and a sample process principals may wish to utilize.
Sample letters (in English and Spanish) have been provided for principals without current PTAs to send home informing parents about the election process at their school.
08a-SOT Parent Letter (If No PTA).docx
08b-SOT Parent Letter Spanish (If No PTA).docx
These documents have spaces for schools to insert information specific to their school.
Vacancies in Parent or Guardian Member Positions
Principals shall ensure that any vacancy on the school organizational team is filled within 30 days by collaborating with the organizations responsible for carrying out the individual elections under NRS 388G.720. If the vacancy occurs with the end of the school year, it shall be filled within 30 days of the start of the following school year.
A parent member of the school organizational team becomes ineligible and shall vacate the position on the school organizational team if:
The student of the parent member of the school organizational team matriculates to another school at the end of the school year.
The student of the parent member of the school organizational team transfers to another school during or at the end of the school year.
The parent becomes employed by the school.
Students (Secondary Schools Only)
If the school enrolls students in grades 6 through 12, the School Organizational Team must have one member who is a student at the school. The student will be a non-voting member, but will provide assistance and advice.
Students are the most important stakeholders we serve, and their voices can bring valuable awareness to the challenges and issues that are most important to them.
1 non-voting student, secondary schools only.
Membership on the Team open to all students at the school. Any student can request to be placed on the ballot.
Can be nominated by a teacher or administrator if student agrees to nomination.
Elected by a vote of entire student body through confidential ballot.
May provide assistance and advice regarding the plan of operation.
Students (Secondary Schools Only)
The principal will determine how and when elections for the student member of the SOT will take place.
Student members must be elected by a vote of all students enrolled at a school. The student receiving the most votes will serve on the SOT.
Any student who attends a school may request to be placed on the SOT ballot.
Teachers or administrators may nominate students, but the student must agree before their name is placed on the ballot.
Principals may want to consider requiring parent or guardian permission for a student to be included on the ballot.
Vacancies in Student Member Positions
Principals shall ensure that any vacancy on the school organizational team is filled within 30 days by collaborating with the organizations responsible for carrying out the individual elections under NRS 388G.720. If the vacancy occurs with the end of the school year, it shall be filled within 30 days of the start of the following school year.
A student member of the school organizational team becomes ineligible and shall vacate the position on the school organizational team if:
The student matriculates to another school at the end of the school year.
The student transfers to another school during or at the end of the school year.
Community Members (Optional)
1 or more non-voting community members, optional.
Once formed, the Team will decide if they will add one or more community members.
Cannot otherwise qualify to serve as a parent, licensed, or education support staff member.
Assists the Team and provides input from the community.
Selection of Community Members
Once established, the School Organizational Team will have the option of selecting one or more community representatives to serve as non-voting advisory members. Community members can add a unique perspective and create a bridge between the school and what is important to students outside the school. A leader in the community may have contact with many students, families, and other community residents and therefore be able to share a broad view of the community’s needs. They also bring valuable skills that can help with school organization, management, and budgeting. They may even be a resource for other community connections that could benefit students and families.
As a School Organizational Team, think about members of your community who could add value to your team. If your school has existing community partnerships, you may want to consider representatives from these organizations as members of your team.
Vacancies in Community Member Positions
A nonvoting community advisory member becomes ineligible and shall vacate the position on the school organizational team if:
The community member becomes eligible to serve as an employee member by being employed by the school.
The community member becomes eligible to serve as a parent member because a child of the community member matriculates into or transfers into the school.
The school organizational team votes to remove the member from the school organizational team.