Balancing Authority and Responsibility

Decentralization and Balancing Authority

Much of the reorganization law is dedicated to delineating the balance of authority and responsibility between the District, or central office, led by the Superintendent, and schools, or school precincts, led by the principal.

In compliance with state law and regulations, each school operates using site-based decision-making in which certain authority to carry out responsibilities is transferred from the District to the school as set forth in NRS 388G.610.

School Authorities and Responsibilities

District Authorities and Responsibilities

All responsibilities necessary for the operation of the schools and the District not specifically transferred to principals, and:

Under the reorganization, principals in CCSD have a high level of autonomy, but that autonomy is limited. All authority granted to the Superintendent and to principals is bound by compliance with federal and state law, District policies and regulations, and collective bargaining agreements.

Funding the Balance of Authority

Schools are budgeted using the State per-pupil funding model in accordance with Nevada law. Within that allocation, at least 85% of the District's unrestricted funds are allocated directly to schools. Allocations are shared with principals and posted on the District website annually. Also, any funds left unspent by schools at the end of the school year are carried forward in the school budget to the next year, with some specific restrictions:

In later modules, you will learn about the budgeting cycle and how that interacts with the school performance plan cycle to form the school Plan of Operation.

Transfer of Responsibilities

Additional responsibilities may be considered for transfer between central services and schools, if recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board of School Trustees. The Superintendent has sole discretion on developing recommendations to transfer additional responsibilities to schools, if all of the following are true:

If a responsibility is transferred, the amount that is estimated the District would spend on the responsibility in the coming school year shall be transferred to schools in accordance with NRS 388G.610, utilizing an allocation methodology determined by the Business and Finance Unit to be the most accurate and appropriate.

Service Level Agreements

The Superintendent has the authority under NAC 388G.120 to determine annually which District services will be made available by the District for purchase by principals via service level agreements. In such cases, a service level agreement shall be drafted in accordance with NAC 388G. Service level agreements may be developed to govern services related to a responsibility transferred from central office to schools or newly provided services unrelated to a transfer of responsibility.