About the SOT

What is a School Organizational Team?

A school organizational team is a group of members of a school community that serves as an advisory body to the school principal by providing advice and assistance to the principal as it relates to the development and carrying out of the School Plan of Operation in accordance with NRS 388G.540 through NRS 388G.760.

Each year, the principal determines the size of the school organizational team (from three possibilities) for the following term beginning October 1 of each year.

School organizational teams consist of 6 to 12 voting members, in one of three possible combinations:

School organizational teams also include non-voting members:

In a later module, you'll learn about how members are elected to serve on the SOT.

Primary Functions of the School Organizational Team (SOT)

1. Provide assistance and advice to the principal regarding the School Plan of Operation

The SOT's primary function is to provide advice and assistance to the principal regarding the development and carrying out of the school plan of operation.

The school plan of operation is developed by the principal and consists of (1) the school performance plan, which is is developed using specific protocols and templates of Nevada's School-Level Continuous Improvement Process (CIP), with guidance from the Nevada Department of Education and (2) the school budget, which is developed utilizing CCSD tools, templates, and guidance.

In a later module, you will learn more details about how the plan of operation is developed, reviewed, approved, and shared with the school community. 

2. Assist with the selection of the next principal

Another major function of the SOT is assisting with the selection of a new principal for the school in the case of a vacancy. The SOT is able to participate throughout the hiring process.

In a later module, you will learn more details about that participation.

3. Provide input regarding the principal

The third major function of the SOT is providing feedback on the principal to his or her supervisor, a School Associate Superintendent or Region Superintendent. The SOT can vote to provide feedback as a group two times per year at their discretion. However, individuals within the school community, including individual members of the SOT, may reach out at any time.

In a later module, you will learn how SOTs formalize actions like these.

Additional Functions of the School Organizational Team

Any action carried out by the school organizational team requires a vote. A majority of the voting members of the organizational team, excluding vacancies, constitutes a quorum for purposes of voting. A majority vote of the quorum is required to take action with respect to any matter. 

School organizational team actions may, but are not required to include:

Principals are required by Nevada law and District Regulations to carry out certain activities related to the SOT:

Limits to SOT Authority and Liability

When taking action, SOT members should consider:

SOT Authority Changes implemented during the 2023 Legistative Session

In 2023, the Nevada Legislature passed SB282, which includes legislation that adjusts the limitations of authority for certain activities of the SOT. The requirements are effective July 1, 2024, so are not applicable for the 2023–2024 school year. Information will be updated to align with SB282 in an appropriate future guidance and information.

SOT Communication Guidance

Unless specified in CCSD regulation or state law, school organizational teams are encouraged to communicate directly with and/or through the principal or, if necessary, the supervising region superintendent or school associate superintendent. 

Any communication received from the school organizational team to any employee of the district other than the principal or supervising region superintendent or school associate superintendent will be referred to the principal or the region superintendent or school associate superintendent for consideration and reply.