Slow Shutter Speed

Following shutter speed, this assignment was obviously similar but not as easy for me to complete. At first, the photos I took were dark because of the settings. But after adjusting the ISO and lowering the shuttered speed, I was able to capture decent shots for the assignment. I had fun setting the shots up too.

This is my favorite from this lesson. I was able to shoot it outside due to the rain clouds. This allowed for the sun exposure not to cause the photo to be overexposed. I set up my camera and tripod under the stairs and out of all of the shots I took, this was the only one which came out "wavy."

It was difficult for me to capture this shot because I would either get it before or after the drop. The empty blue casing creates repetition and movement for the photo. The dropping game pieces create movement as well and is captured in the blur. My favorite thing about this shot is the one yellow piece flipping over the side.

For this shot, the pattern of the lockers give the image movement. This also allows for the camera to be the main focal point with balance from the girl being on both sides. I had a lower shutter speed around 0.3 seconds.