Informal Portraiture

This assignment taught me to really pay attention to what is filling the frame. When I first went out, I was too far from Jaslyn and it took away from the focal point of the image. In some other shots, the elements included in the background may not be taking away from the focus but the sun may be coming in from the back, overexposing the image.

I was able to frame her face using the stairs. The horizontal lines along with the diagonal and vertical create dimension. The metal also creates leading lines, guiding your eye through the image.

Although this is a cliche pose, it works for the composition of the photo. The tree balances the photo and creates emphasis on the focal point (Jaslyn). I like how the tree creates texture and contrasts her pink sweater.

Originally, I took this photo vertically. However, I like the way the pillars add unity and reason for the image to be horizontal. The header above her head and the sidewalk on the bottom of the image create movement. This was my favorite picture.