
Originally, I thought this assignment was going to be rough because I was absent when Mr. Rizzo explained it to the class. However, once I started taking the pictures and experimenting with the setting, it was pretty easy. I was able to get my pictures approved within one shot and even got a chocolate for finishing! I found that this works best with setting the camera on a completely level surface and continuously looking even while changing the aperture; this created a straight background. This assignment taught me about depth of field and how to focus on certain objects.

F/stop: f/36

Shutter speed: 1/10

F/stop: f/5.6

Shutter speed: 1/400

F/stop: f/32

Shutter speed: 2.5s

F/stop: f/5

Shutter speed: 1/15

F/stop: f/36

Shutter speed: 1/20

F/stop: f/5.6

Shutter speed: 1/800

F/stop: f/25

Shutter speed: 1/80

F/stop: f/4

Shutter speed: 1/3200