New York City Mayor Terrorized by Rats

By Thea Noorda

Throughout the years, New York has struggled with a rat problem. This problem affects many people, especially Mayor Eric Adam. The most recent Mayor of New York City is constantly being tortured by the rats who rule New York City.  Eric Adam was first elected for senate of New York through 2006-2013 then later became Brooklyn boroughs Mayor in 2013, which lead him to be the first African American to hold the position of mayor in New York. Finally in 2017, Eric was elected to be mayor in New York. 

Recently Eric has been trying to get rid of all the rats permanently due to his problem at his home in Brooklyn. The health department has given Eric two tickets for allegedly allowing broods of rodents to take residence at his home. In an article with Eric he states “We all don’t like rats, and we’re all cooperating together,” ever since he first started getting these fines, he began working with multiple companions who specialize in getting rid of rodents. One of the many ways he tried to solve this solution was by having a bucket filled with a vinegary, toxic soup to drown rats lured by the scent of food. Last year Eric spent at least $7,000 to keep his property free of rodents.

Eric hasn't been the only one “bugged” by this problem; former Mayor Bill de Blasio has spent tens of millions of dollars to reduce the rat populations by pushing more frequent trash pickups, more aggressive house inspections, replacing dirt basement floors with concrete, using dry ice to suffocate rats in their burrow, etc. But no matter what they plan, nothing will work. 

With a final opinion from Eric, he states “Let’s be clear: I hate rats, and we have too many of them and we have to get rid of them.” 

What do you think will he be able to take down the rats who rule New York City or will the rats rule him? 

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