by Zaria Hicks and Creedence Mikelson

Mr. Watnem is a 7th-grade History teacher here at Greenspun Junior High School, but one thing you may not know is that he used to be a student here! We had the opportunity to interview him on how the transition was from being a student to a teacher at the very same school he went to all those years ago. Mr. Watnem is a 25 year old teacher and has been teaching for about 4 years, less than half at Greenspun.

When asked if he enjoyed being at Greenspun he said that he “did and didn't.” He reflected that because he was bullied, he “hated 6th grade.” However, he said that 7th and 8th grade were much more enjoyable.

Mr. Watnem started off as a sub, became a teacher at another school, then moved to Greenspun after a few years. He said that there are three reasons why he came here: 1. The other school he was working at previously was too far away from his house.; 2. He has always wanted to teach at one of his old schools, either Liberty High School or GJHS; and 3. He noticed how many teachers that were here when he was a student were still here, which told him that this school is worth working and staying at for a long time.

We asked him if he applied any of the techniques, rules, or expectations from his former teachers into his own teaching and he replied that he wanted to be a similar teacher to Mrs. Mikelson, his 8th-grade Health teacher, among others. He said in reference to Mrs. Mikelson, “She was calm, but stern,” and he wanted to be similar to her by being a fun role model.

Not surprisingly, his first year teaching at Greenspun was an awkward one. He expressed that he always hated calling teachers by their first names and it still makes him uncomfortable to this day. Mr. Watnem stated, “I feel like I’m going to get in trouble,” when he calls teachers (especially his former ones) by their first names.

One thing he conveyed that he does is that he peeks into the windows and doors of teachers like Ms. Schlotter, Mr. Kelleher, and Mrs. Mikelson and compares his classroom to theirs. He asks himself questions like, “Are my students behaving like that?” and “Does my classroom look like that?” “The answer is always no,” he told us, whilst laughing.

Since some of the teachers that taught Mr. Watnem are still working at GJHS to this day, we interviewed them about Mr. Watnem and here are some of their responses. When asked if Mr. Watnem was a good student while he was here, 8th-grade Health Teacher Mrs. Mikelson (teaching at Greenspun for 22 years) said, “Yes! He was kind, hard-working, and attentive.” 7th-grade Science teacher Mr. Jackson (teaching at Greenspun for 15 years) said, “Yes, but very quiet.” They both also think having him as a colleague now is not weird or awkward in the slightest bit, and both have not had to change their mindset with having a former student as a colleague now. Additionally, Mrs. Mikelson and Mr. Jackson both have observed that Mr. Watnem has grown a considerable amount taller.

One of Mr. Watnems' students, Abby Strong, 7th-grade, expressed that Mr. Watnem is “pretty cool.” and that he’s, “my second favorite teacher.” Additionally Reina Dalton, a substitute teacher and former classmate of Mr. Watnem stated that she “knew him but we never talked,” and observed that he was “really calm.”

Finally, Mr. Watnem would like to thank Greenspun and its staff. He shared much gratitude and appreciativeness when speaking about them. And don’t worry because he’s not leaving Greenspun anytime soon! He plans to stay for a while longer, maybe even as long as some of his former teachers.


by Maleah Fitzgerald

On September 8th Queen Elizabeth the second, died at age 96 after being on the throne for 7 decades. Reports cite the cause of death being from old age and health concerns that were announced after her death. Being queen that long allowed her to have a Platinum Jubilee as the longest sitting Monarch in British history. Many people were surprised to discover the Queen’s death was also a shocking and sudden period of time; no one, apart from the Royal Family, talked about the Queen’s health concerns with the world. Even students at Greenspun where skeptical to find it was true, and many were shocked and surprised. A lot of students even went home to tell their parents what had happened. Research showed that the queen had COVID - 19 last February which weakened her immune system. Because of this, she was more subject to natural causes of death or even the littlest sickness because of her age and the long-term effects of Covid-19. The Queen was laid to rest in her home, The Balmoral Castle, in the U.K. Her funeral was held in the Westminster Abbey U.K. Through resurfacing rumored Twitter posts about how the queen had past 3 years ago, the same people tweeted about how it was true this time. In the end the Queens monarch will still live on.


by Leilah Reyes and Shevelle Sala

Madysen D’Alliegro’s Colorguard Journey

Seventh grader Madysen D’Alliegro is a part of our Greenspun Jr. High ColorGuard! Back in 2021 Madysen became part of our school's Color Guard team. She started in 2021 when she was in 6th grade.ColorGuard is a sport that consists of both male and females, this sport can be found in either middle schools, high schools and even at American Colleges. Colorguard is usually performed with a marching band at half time. Madysen mentioned why she became part of Colorguard, “I didn't really know where I fit in when I came to Greenspun so I tried it.” Before Madysen joined Colorgguard, Madysen found Colorguard through her friends. Madysen says that she practices Colorguard all the time, with the help of her motivation. Madysen’s motivation is her coach and her friends. Maydysen had also mentioned about her competing, ”I have completed multiple times one of the most interesting and exciting was championships.”

Geneviveve Oliveros’s Colorguard Journey

Eighth grader Geneviveve Oliveros is also a part of our Greenspun Jr. High Color Guard! Geneviveve began Color Guard last year during the 2021-2022 school year here at Greenspun.Genevieve found color guard last year during the student orientation orientation. “I chose this sport because I really like music and dance. When we do color guard there is a lot of work with matching the moves to the music. But in the end it is beautiful and amazing.“


When asked why Geneviveve enjoys cologuard she said “I like how pretty it is, also I really like to do tosses, like a double. I also love the team. We have made it more of a family. It is a great community to be in.”   Geneviveve’s motivation for participating in color guard is learning new routines and going to other schools to compete.“I have competed in my sport. The most interesting show we did was probably our last one. We did so well and was able to get first place, It was so much fun and not a lot of people dropped their equipment.” Geneviveve’s motivation to do Color Guard is “It is really fun to learn a new routine each year. It is really fun going to each school and competing.”


by Harper Julius and Alexa Sanders

Currently we have a select school lunch menu, with rotating the same few items. But, what if you couldn’t eat those items? What if you were allergic to meat, dairy, gluten or something even bigger? What options would you have to eat in the cafeteria, without ending up in the hospital? A certain scenario was brought to the newspaper’s attention where a student who couldn’t eat meat due to health reasons couldn’t eat lunch because the cafeteria didn’t offer non-meaty options for free, and she didn’t have money to buy from the school store. Many agree that she shouldn’t be denied the ability to eat due to a medical reasons.

Now this leads you to question other things as well, what about religious dietary restriction? The top 5 most participated in religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Half of them have vegan/vegetarian diets, and the other half can have meat, but with certain limitations or restrictions, excluding Christianity, where meat is encouraged. 

Changes seem to be being made though, because we recently got a salad bar option added to the menu. Even with the change of a salad bar we still need more inclusive options. Can the school guarantee the salad bar doesn’t have cross contamination? That the lettuce hasn't touched the croutons which include gluten? What if a kid’s not in a stable enough financial situation to bring lunch from home? Get school lunch, right? But if they have allergies or diet restrictions and can’t eat the school lunch, what do they do then? We should add an allergy-friendly section to the menu. For example, the most common allergies and food restrictions include nuts, gluten, dairy, and of course, meat. One of the teachers at this school, Mrs. Mcllroy, has celiac and crohns, meaning she can’t have gluten. If she was a student and forgot to bring lunch, she wouldn’t be able to purchase anything from the cafeteria.

 She states, “I do think they provide great options for students, most days there are more than 1 lunch option (usually a meat and a vegetarian option) and also the salad bar. However, if students have a dairy, egg, or wheat/gluten allergy or intolerance like I do- most days there is nothing on the menu that they can eat. For example, today was cheese pizza, chicken wrap, or turkey sandwich. If I was a student, I would be hungry today because all of these meals contain cheese and gluten. Cheese falls within my dairy allergy and gluten will send me to the hospital. If I was financially or food insecure and did not have the means to bring my own lunch, this would be a huge problem since I most likely would rely on the food at school to eat every day.”

Some students struggle with this daily, having to choose between being hungry, or making themselves ill by risking eating a food with an allergen or intolerance.

We also wanted to know more about the students' opinions on the menu, so we decided who better than students with a hands-on view, experiencing the cafeteria from behind the scenes. 

One student who works in the cafeteria mentioned, “I think we have limited options because we spend most of the schools money on stuff like flag football, band, aristocrat, and that huge field.” 

Nutrition standards were recently updated to add more mandatory nutrition needs. In a study by CCSD it says, 

“Students have grown to like the healthier school meals. According to a recent survey by Robert Wood Johnson, respondents at 70 percent of elementary schools reported that students liked the new lunches. Across all grade levels, while there were initial complaints in the fall of 2012, by the end of the year the majority of the kids liked the healthier meals.” 

Since This study shows that kids like healthier food, it won't be a waste to spend a bit more money on healthier, fresher food. The new meal mandate is guaranteeing children more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein and low-fat dairy, as well as less sugar, fat, and sodium. However, shouldn’t those needs include students who have health issues as well? 

School districts are supposed to provide fair and inclusive education and food options for all, but how are they doing that when they aren’t providing food ALL students are eligible to eat; regardless of dietary restrictions, religious exemption, or any other reason.


by Alexis Yee

Rule 1: Cleaning up the floor/picking up trash

This year at Greenspun JHS, there are some new cafeteria rules. One of them is for students to clean up the trash on the floor before they get dismissed to go outside. Each table, depending on the distance they are from the doors, gets dismissed by order. For example: the row closest to the door gets dismissed, then the next row, and so on. For students to get dismissed, an adult would have to come over to the table, and tell them to pick up their trash/trash someone made in the previous lunch. Then, they are free to get dismissed.


            Rule Number 2: Students Can’t Go Outside whenever.

Another rule the school added was for students to not go outside, whenever they want to. The only way they are free to go outside is when their table gets dismissed. This takes a really long time, especially if people sit in the back of the cafeteria, because they would have to wait for a while, until they get dismissed, and then they won’t have enough time to hang out outside.


Rule 3: Letting people sit at your table even if they aren’t your friend

A rule that has people struggling when eating lunch is letting random people sit at their table. This causes a lot of trouble for people, because they don’t want to let strangers sit with them, and they can “sometimes get into other people’s business” said Zaria Hicks, 7th grade  and “sometimes they might be unaware of who they are sitting with,” said Shevelle Sala, 8th grade.


Does Everyone Agree With Us?

Every student would have to agree: The rules are unfair to us, but what about the principal of the school? How does Ms. Carducci feel about these rules? Here’s what she had to say: “Last year when students were eating outside, they would make a lot of mess, which was disrespectful to the custodians, since they had to do all of the cleaning, and there were a lot of pigeons, and fights going on because students would go crazy, running around the courtyard for 30 minutes. We got the idea from Bob Miller because we heard that all of the kids would clean up the trash on the floor and table. All students have to be seated at all times, and a table can’t be dismissed with trash on the table or the floor. It’s not required for people to let others sit with them, but it’s nice to do so, because we want people to feel accepted. Students only get 10 minutes to hang outside, because we want to make sure they have time to get food from the cafeteria, or the student store, and students always got dismissed from the cafeteria depending on how close they were.”


by Abby Strong

Every Thursday in Mrs. Petty’s room is the knitting club in it are her and the knit wits, the club is working on a square that is about the size of an index card, the club has new people joining every week also there are way more than Mrs. Petty thought there was going to be. The knitting club is a fun and relaxing place Mrs. Petty even has a slide show for knitters and tells the knit wits fun facts about knitting. Mrs. Petty is going to sew those patches her club is making and make a quilt. Here is something the knit wits like about knitting club “ Wyatt’s favorite thing about knitting club is that he gets to make new friends and he gets to knit, Korin’s favorite thing about knitting club is how close everyone is to each other, Edwards favorite thing about knitting club is the people in the knitting club” and on The 29th the club is having their first potluck.


by Mia Mengual

I interviewed 8th Graders Ellie Beam and  Darrius Uperesa who are Concert Choir students about how they like choir. Ellie says the reason she joined was that her brother and sister had done it so she wanted to give it a try. Her sister inspired her to do it.   “Choir is so much fun for me”. “In choir, I like the people in it and the songs they have us sing” She says has also done choir for 4 years.  Also, she practices every day for 45 minutes. Her biggest supporter is her best friend Sidney. What she likes most about Mrs. Houchens is she is a very good teacher also a nice person in general. What she likes about it now is it’s very fun and she will definitely do it in high school.

Darrius said, “ The reason I joined was that I wanted to see what my voice could do and found that the choir teacher is really nice”.  He didn’t have anyone who inspired him but he wanted to do it because he actually liked it when we were on lockdown. Choir is fun for him. What he likes about choir is the different variety of songs they do. “I like how she is energetic and makes choir fun for us and takes song suggestions too” He says he has done choir for 3 years. He also practices every so often. His biggest supporters are his family and his friends. His dream song is to sing a We know the way from Moana and Hawaiian roller coaster from lilo and stitch. He likes choir very much still.


by Thea Noorda

Back in 2017 a college dropout named Peter Mclndoe started the whole conspiracy theory “Are birds real”. A day after president Trump's inauguration, Peter and a couple of his friends were hanging out on top of a building in Memphis, Tennessee, when Peter heard protesters down below with signs about Trump. He thought “What if there was just a random absurd sign that had nothing to do with Trump?”

Shortly after, he was down below with the protesters yelling "I'm angry, and I'm here to protest!" or "Wake up America! Birds are not real, they're a myth, they're an illusion. Thank you for your time.” 

One of his friends posted a video of him screaming with his signs and this video went viral. Kids in schools would put up posters around the school with “Birds are not real” or graffiti that sentence all around, then send pictures of it to Peter. When Peter noticed how popular it had gotten, he had one of his friends, Connor Gaydos, who is a history buff, come up with a backstory for the birds movement.

Connor came up with “The CIA was so sick and tired of the birds pooping on their windshields. So they're like, “we're sick of this, we're fed up with this. Let's hire, you know, engineers to, to get rid of these stupid birds…and while we're at it, let's replace ’em with robots and spy on people.” The entire fabricated story took off and the “Bird’s Aren’t Real” movement began. The entire fabricated story took off and the “Birds Aren't Real” movement began.

Peter even invented a character called Eugene Price who was supposed to be a former CIA officer that buried the evidence for the bird genocide. This led the conspiracy theory society to actually believe this entire thing is true. Overall what do you think? Are birds real or spies sent by the government?

For more information on Bird's Aren't Real Movement, you can watch this except from the 60 Minutes segment

MH370 from 6 hours to 9 years 

by Maleah Fitzgerald

Flight MH370 is a missing flight from Malaysian airlines for the past 9 years. Richard Godfrey a British aerospace engineer has stated that “After one final search we can finally find the Malaysian airlines flight 370.” This 239 passenger jet was an international flight that went missing and disappeared on March 8th, 2014 during a roughly 6 hour flight. Flight 370 was initially recorded as a 5hr and 54min flight from Malaysia’s airport to Beijing, China. Flight 370 got lost in transit and the radar's last known communication was at the 38 minute mark. 

After the 227 passengers and 12 in total crew members were announced ‘missing.’ On the day the flight took off staff members became quite worried until they were able to hear from flight MH370 at an hour and 40 minutes after the flight took off. The relief was very short because at the routine checking which is around the 4hr mark there was no response for the next 6 months. After 6 months the entire total of 239 passengers were pronounced dead. 

As research was going on for search parties, the plane report concluded that the pilot took off in the apparent wrong direction, where he later made another wrong turn and started heading south towards Antarctica. The pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah flew back up north towards the Atlantic Ocean and was said to be stuck in the Bermuda Triangle aka The Devil's Triangle where multiple aircrafts, ships, and boats disappear. But another lead points to the plane going missing in the Indian ocean, where it could have dropped. The second half of the report talks about how the plane went in the wrong direction due to ‘manual inputs’ which would have deliberately caused the plane to go in all different insane directions but the destination. The inputs were said to be an alleged excuse due to the pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah who was planning mass murder of the people on the flight. 

So what really happened on that day? Unfortunately that question  cannot be answered. As the plane is still missing we can only wonder if the pilot really tried mass murder or if the plane actually malfunctioned. I guess we will never know… 

Boys & Girls Flag Football: A Tough Loss

by Zaria Hicks

As you know our school has a boy's and a girl's flag football 

team. You may also know they had a  home game against Del E 

Webb Middle School on October 3rd. The boys had their game 

first, then the girls had theirs. You can tell both teams were 

determined to win.


Just by the way they practiced, you can tell they were focused. 

When they were in the game, you can tell they were trying their 

best. The amount of energy and determination they had would 

vary each game. 7th grader, Charles Galloway, the “manager” of 

the team, said, “They have potential but once they’re down a 

point or two they get discouraged.” The boys had done their 

best out there. Sadly, our Greenspun dolphins lost 22 - 12.


By their faces, I could tell they were focused on winning but, by 

the way, they practice you could tell they love having fun. They 

played very well that’s for sure. They had lots of energy when it 

came to the score, if they were down a point or two it’d make 

them way more fierce, active, and determined. One of the 

players, Mia Ayala, said: “We’ve had some rough patches, but we 

love to have fun.” “I think we could work on our sportsmanship.”  

Mia also told me the team considers each other as family. 

Sadly, they also lost, 24 - 12.

Both teams did an amazing job. Though both teams lost, they 

still have the determination, strength, and a lot of fighting 

energy to win their next game. GO DOLPHINS!!!

China-Taiwan Conflict 

by Alexis Yee

What This is All About

It’s a conflict between China and Taiwan in which they both see each other as their “own territory.” China sees Taiwan as “a part of their territory”.” However, Taiwan sees itself as “an independent country that claims China.” Over the years, the two countries have been disputing over who claims the other. 

The History of the Conflict

The history of the conflict starts with the Chinese Civil War which lasted from 1927-1949. In 1937, Japan occupied China until 1945 when WW-II ended. At around this time, the two countries were united by the Republic of China (a.k.a the ROC), which China controlled the ROC. In 1949 the ROC fled to Taiwan, and the People’s Republic of China (a.k.a the PROC) took over mainland China. After the retreat, Chiang Kai-sjek established a dictatorship, and began making plans to invade the mainland. In 1992, the two governments agreed that only “one China exists.” However, there have been many disputes on which country is the “real China.”Is Taiwan Able to Defend Itself 

When it comes to comparing the military of China and Taiwan, China’s armed forces are stronger than the ones of Taiwan’s. 

 Present Time

 In 2021, China ramped up pressure by sending military aircrafts into Taiwan’s air defense zone. Last year the numbers of aircrafts peaked in October with 56 incursions a day. Taiwan’s minister says relations were the worst they had for 40 years. 

Why is Taiwan Important to to the World 

The reason why is because of its economy. Electronics that people use everyday like laptops, watches, and game consoles are powered by computer chips made in Taiwan. Without Taiwan, people wouldn’t be able to use electronics. 

Are the Tawianese People Worried?

Despite the recent tensions, research suggests that they are untroubled. In october 2021, the Taiwnse Public Opinion Foundation asked the people whether they thought that they were at war with China. Almost two-thirds (64.3%) replied not. 


Delusional Society Claims Earth is Flat

By Thea Noorda

The conspiracy theory is that the world flat has a share of the population following this theory believing the earth is really flat. Some of these followers are Nathan Tompson, Patrica Streere, Netta Hagler, lastly the creators of the website “Flat earth society” Daniel shenton, Micheal Wimore, and John Davis.

Even though the modern-day movement started in 2004, it dates back all the way to 1865 with a book named “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe,” By Shamuel Rowotham.

This started not as a big deal, but in 2018 the conspiracy theory blew up again to what it is today. In an interview with some, these “Flat Earthers” all stated they were “Flat Earthers,” meaning they believed the earth was truly flat.

Well why do they believe the earth is truly flat? These people say unless they see it for themselves it's not true, meaning anything they haven't seen with their own eyes or in person, for example the first moon landing, or humankind being in space for the first time they think it is all a hoax or not true. 

Do you think the earth is flat? Are these Flat Earthers just delusional conspiracy theorists, or is there something that only they know? Ordinary people may never know the truth but one thing is certain we won't be labeled as a Delusional psychopath.  


Dolphin Day: September 30th

by Miliana Mengual

On  September  30th  we  had  our  first  dolphin  day  of  October. Mrs. Neiwinski  runs  dolphin  day  also  the Student council helps out with it.   The clubs that did it were the football club, Publications, fine arts, etc. This dolphin day was in the cafeteria. Dolphin day is the first of every month.

Most of the clubs do fundraisers there. The reason we do dolphin day is to build community within the building  and  to  allow  for  many  groups  to  fundraise  and  be  seen  as  what  Mrs. Neiwinski  enjoys  it.  “I  love getting to see all of the groups on campus participate with each other!”

She thinks about how students like it “I think that the students like the variety of options available and supporting their teams/clubs.”We used to have music at Dolphin Day when we were allowed to have it 

outside. She thinks it will be too loud if we do have a DJ in the Cafeteria. StuCo is working with PE to have a field day at the end of the year.  

All About The Dress Code

by Abby Strong

Do you feel like the dress code at your school is unfair? From a student's point of view, they believe that the dress code is one-sided. From the administrative point of view, the dress code is fair. But by asking a couple of questions, it's easy to show that the dress code is both fair and unfair.

It states in the dress code, "shorts and skirts must be the finger-tip length, blouses and shirts also can't be see-through, spiked or studded clothing, jewelry, and/or accessories are prohibited." The dress code, also states that "dress that the teachers or the admin think are a distraction to the educational performance of students are not allowed." From a student's point of view, this may make them feel like they can't express themselves.

As students, we are also not permitted to wear any headgear on campus. Headgear includes hats, hoods, and bandanas.  Even though some may feel this would restrict their style or creativity, the rule is there to keep us safe. Any student can quickly be identified in case a dangerous person comes on campus. Remember if you see something, say something! We are also required to wear shoes with soles and house slippers and shoes with wheels are not permitted.  What? Why? But they're so comfy! No one wants to be slammed into while some kid wants to “wheelie” through the hall.

Another rule…  "slogans or advertising on clothing, jewelry, buttons, and/or accessories that by their controversial, or obscene nature disrupt the educational setting are prohibited. Any clothing, jewelry, buttons, and/or accessories that promote illegal or violent conduct or affiliation with groups that promote illegal or violent conduct are prohibited. Any type of leg wear that is sagging and doesn’t fit is prohibited.”  A school cannot allow children to wear things that would insult another person. Or maybe be illegal!

I asked a couple of teachers if they believe the dress code is fair here is what they said. "I believe the dress code is fair because nobody can wear tank tops with straps less than 3 inches wide," said Mrs. Regin. "Yes, it is free dress pretty much. The things you cannot wear are not things I regularly wear anyway (Hats, tank tops, beanies). "I really don't think it is restrictive," said Mr. Watnem. Mrs. Matthews stated, "Yes it is fair, because it sets standards and expectations for our school community, and for appropriate attire. All the teachers interviewed agree that our dress code is fair and believe that it is here for a reason."

In conclusion, the dress code is fair and not fair depending on your point of view. When you disobey the dress code, it shows the school you have no respect for what they teach. So always remember you can be yourself without disobeying the dress code. While we all have to wear things that may not be our style, we have to maintain a uniform standard. And we wouldn’t want to HAVE TO wear uniforms, would we?


by Harper Julius

Greenspun's NJHS  is one of the many groups at Greenspun. Although it is a very influential group here, not many people know what they do or even who they are. NJHS has been around since 1929, and is for outstanding students to be recognized. Anyone can be a candidate for NJHS. Although there are characteristics that the school looks for in a candidate. These usually consist of five characteristics: scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. The Greenspun website defines these characteristics. Scholarship is having a 3.0 GPA. Service being able to make and have made voluntary contributions, without compensation. Leadership, when someone is a “good problem solver, idea-contributions and depenible”. Character is when someone holds up good ethics or moral standard. Citizenship is is a student who has civil involvement.

The teacher for Greenspun NJHS is Mrs. Vandyke. She was a NJHS teacher at the school she worked at before coming here, which is why Mrs. Carducci chose her specifically.  Besides only teaching NJHS she is also a 7th grade English teacher. Some people might think that Mrs. Vandyke picks the students in NJHS, but she really has no say in the matter. She said “I do not get to choose who gets to go into NJHS. Students have to qualify based on the national guidelines. Students must have a 3.0 GPA, all O’s or S’s in citizenship, they must have no detentions, RPC’s, or suspensions. Anyone who meets these guidelines can apply, and they must go through a rigorous application process that involves letters of recommendation and an essay.” The students that are in Greenspun NJHS work extremely hard to get in and stay in.

Some of the main things NHJS does is community service work, holiday grams, and service projects. For example, the holiday grams can be flowers, charms and letters/notes. Recently we had “Boo Grams” where you write a message to your “boo” and Greenspun NJHS will deliver it. These “boo grams” came with the option to give a flower or a ring with your message. They don’t just do this for Halloween they have it for Valentines day and many others. 

NJHS also does community service. For example, they do food drives, donations, volunteering etc.

Greenspun NJHS goes on a annual leadership trip to Disneyland! This Disney trip is a great way to teach and is a fun reward. Mrs.Vandyke and all the kids of NJHS work so hard to help our school and our community.

Honor Band feat. Katie Rodriguez and Devin Bodily

by Creedence Mikelson

First things first, congratulations to everyone who auditioned and everyone that got into the 2023 Middle School Honor Band! It is a very prestigious, amazing program that only accepts the best. Katie Rodriguez and Devin Bodily are two of 27 students from GJHS who made it into this year's honor band. They are incredibly hard workers, motivated, driven by their instrument, and extremely talented. Apparently, the honor band judges, along with Mr. Martinez saw this talent and honored them with the position they are now in. Both Katie and Devin are very excited about being part of the honor band this year.

What Honor Band is:

Honor band is a very prestigious and renowned organization. As an audition only event, the illustrious judges place the auditioners into one of two bands within the whole band. In the words of Mr. Martinez, a second-year band teacher at Greenspun, chaperone of GJHS students at rehearsal, and occasional leader of the Trombone sectionals, “Students have the opportunity to learn from the best teachers from around CCSD and world renowned guest conductors from around the nation at this event. It is a huge honor and a lot of fun to participate in!” Students audition in front of a judge and then are ranked; only the top players are chosen to participate in their select group. There were almost 400 students around CCSD who tried out for the honor band, and only 160 students were selected to participate. Of those 160 students, 27 were from Greenspun. Greenspun is now the school with the 2nd largest total number of students in the honor band!

Devin Bodily

Devin was appointed 1st Chair Overall Trumpet in honor band. This is an astounding feat because Devin is now considered the best trumpet player in a CCSD middle school. Devin started playing the trumpet about three years ago when he had to choose an instrument. His favorite genre of music is jazz, in which he likes and admires all artists. Mr. Martinez (a trombone fanatic) said in reference to Devin, “Devin is one of the hardest working students I've had the pleasure to teach. He has been taking private lessons and practices in the band room after school every day.” This shows an incredible dedication and drive for his work. Mr. Martinez also made sure to note that Devin is a fantastic student with a great sense of humor and is an indispensable part of our band here at Greenspun. When asked about what honor band means to him he said, “It means all the dedication and hard work it took to get me there.”

Katie Rodriguez

Katie was selected to play Clarinet in honor band. Only 7 students at Greenspun made it into honor band in a clarinet position, which means Katie had a mere 14% chance to get one of those 7 spots. That is incredible! Katie has been playing the clarinet for one year now and when asked why she chose the clarinet, she said, “I was always just into it”. She loves listening to classical music, Gustav Mahler being one of her favorites. Mr. Martinez said in reference to Katie, “She has consistently brought her instrument home almost every day to practice. She is a 2nd year player and now ranks amongst the top Clarinetists in CCSD thanks to her work ethic.” Mr. Martinez also stated that Katie is a very kind student who has made a lot of progress in the past year and even though soft spoken, she is a wonderful influence on her peers. Katie also said that the honor band became important to her after all the effort she put into it.

Altogether, Devin and Katie are two very admirable, hardworking, and all around great students who are striving to do their best in both the trumpet and clarinet. This should be an inspiration to all people (of any age) that whatever you are interested in- let it be sports, art, music, teaching, comedy, or anything- you can do it, and you should. You'll never know until you try. Finally, something Mr. Martinez wants to tell every student who auditioned and made it into this year's CCSD Honor Band, “I am incredibly proud of all of the students that auditioned for the honor band. It takes a lot of courage and maturity to learn difficult music and perform it in front of a judge. These students progressed more than I could have ever imagined because of their participation in this event.” 

A list of all the students from Greenspun who made it into honor band is below. Congratulations!

Mary Afework- 3rd chair overall Flute!

Henry Lindgren-Flute

Sophia Delligati-Flute

Helen Pease-Byron-Flute

Justin Dempster-4th Chair overall Clarinet!

Juliet Arias-Clarinet

Madysen D'Alliegro- Clarinet

Everett Brown-Clarinet

Katie Rodriguez- Clarinet

Mikayla Halter- Clarinet

Sophia Puente- Clarinet

Evelyn Robbins- 4th Chair Overall Horn!

Allison Wade- Horn

Devin Bodily- 1st Chair Overall Trumpet!

Paige Tassin- 1st Chair Overall Trombone!

Elijah Coronado- Trombone

Mallory Soltero- Trombone

Isaac Rosenberg- 1st Chair Overall Euphonium!

Kane Peterson- 2nd Chair Overall Euphonium!

Symphony Mello- 3rd Chair Overall Euphonium!

Alex Sanchez- 5th Chair Overall Euphonium!

Sean Taylor- 2nd Chair Overall Tuba!

Jonah Mancuso- 5th Chair Overall Tuba!

Max Solomon- 5th Chair Overall Percussion!

Anna Swenson- 6th Chair Overall Percussion

Gus Helmink- Percussion

Raiden Drake Patlingrao- Percussion

The Happiest Place on Earth….or is it?

by Zaria Hicks

There are many theories about Disneyland, from what’s hidden below it, in it, and even around it. Bet you Walt Disney didn’t see this coming. There are even theories about the movies made by Disney. Let’s go over the history of Disney first. Walter Elias, given the nickname Walt Disney, came up with the most popular amusement park known as “Disneyland”. The first park was opened on July 17, 1995, in Anaheim, California. In 2018, there were 11 Disney parks open. The idea of Disneyland started when Walter took his two daughters, Diane and Sharon, to visit Griffith Park in Los Angeles. As Walter watched his daughters have fun on the merry-go-round, he came up with the idea of building an amusement park where adults and kids can have fun. He had kept the idea to himself for many years.

Theory #1: Firehouse Haunting

There’s a theory that Walt Disney’s ghost haunts the firehouse apartment on Main Street at Disneyland. When Walt Disney was alive he had an apartment on the second floor of the firehouse. While an employee was cleaning the apartment shortly after Disney’s death, a lamp would keep turning on by itself. Visitors would also report seeing the curtains move on their own. To this day, cast members say they can hear knocking and footsteps coming from the second floor.

Fun Fact: Walt Disney hosted celebrities and VIPs in his apartment.

Theory #2: Frozen Body

This is one of the most popular Disneyland theories. Most people believe that Walter Elias’ body is cryogenically frozen somewhere on the grounds of Disney. Walter’s private funeral and the lack of information on his death have caused the people to believe there was no funeral, and that his head or body is frozen and buried in the Magical Kingdom.

Theory #3: The Ghost of Space Mountain

Guests and cast members have reported seeing “Disco Debbie”, a glowing green ghost. This ghost is said to be a former cast member who died of an aneurysm behind the space mountain building. The ghost has been caught on camera by a guest who was recording during the ride.

Theory #4: Disney Jail?

There’s said to be a jail hidden at Disneyland and Disney World. There they keep all the riffraff and street rats at bay and keep Disneyland the happiest place on Earth. There are claims that the jail is on Main Street. They also say there are MANY undercover cops and security guards roaming Disney on a daily basis. There’s a claim about the jail being backstage, and that Goofy is dressed in a police uniform to watch the prisoners. There’s also a crazy theory that you have to write an apology letter to Mickey while you’re there.

Disney gives joy and happiness to children and adults, but many mysteries may never be solved. No one knows if the happiest place on Earth is hiding things from us nor do we know what they’re hiding.


by Harper Julius

Our seas are dying. They are being overfished which is putting so many different species endangered or extinct. Commercial fishers use big nets that scrap the sea floor and destroy coral reefs.  When commercial fishes do this there is not just causing scarring on the seafloor there doing something called bycatch. Bycatch is when a non-targeted sealife is caught. When the unwanted sealife is caught they are killed then thrown out. Animals that are constantly bycatch are sea turtles,seabirds,dolphins, and whales. 

You might think, "How are we going to get fish? What about fishes from farms? On paper, fish farms are a good idea. No overfishing, no bycatch. All good, right? No. Even though farms eliminate bycatch, the conditions the fish are in are terrible. Farm fishing harms natural ecosystems. While they help make sure endangered species don't go extinct but because of the overcrowding there can be anaboundance of disease and pollutants which make the fish unsafe to eat. 

Our seas make 70% of it oxygen. Most of that oxygen comes from coral. Therefore when we scar the sea floor (with fishing nets) we kill coral and we are slowly killing ourselves. Not just fishermen are killing coral, its tourists too. When people travel to places with coastal beaches that are rich in coral they usually swim out to see it. Most of the time they break off a piece and take it home. What this is doing is not taking a piece of a rock. It's killing a whole section of little marine animals that help give fish protection from their natural predators. The oils on our skin is poison to coral. It can kill and impede the coral's growth.Coral is the plants of the sea. 

Illegally caught fish is one of the main reasons for overfishing. Illegal fishers fish not abiding by fishing rules for certain species. Most endangered or high demand fish tend to have regulations on how many pounds you're allowed to catch but illegal fishers don't abide by this at all. They then sell the illegal fish to fish markets where anyone can buy them. Most of the time they sell them to big companies, restaurants chains, and grocery stores. That means you never know if you're eating ilegal fish or legal fish.

We need to protect our sea. We need to stop having constant bycatch and we need to have cleaner and better farms if we continue to raise fish.

Sean Gallup / Getty Images

World's Largest Cylindrical Tank Bursts, With 1,500 fish inside

By Thea Noorda

AquaDom, also known as the largest cylindrical tank in the world, had an unexpected explosion on December 16, 2022. 

In 2003  the tank was first built in Berlin, Germany, inside of a Hotel named Radisson Blu. It was 82ft, containing at least 1 million liters of saltwater, making it livable for 1,500 fish. 

One night at 5:45 a.m there was a gush of water breaking all doors and windows to the hotel's entrance floor. Turns out that gush of water was from the tank cracking and breaking- causing all 1 million liters of water to rush into the streets of Berlin taking anything in sight down with the water, and killing almost half of the fish with it. The ones that survived were either stuck in the basement or under all the wreckage.

Most of the water had leaked into the floorboards causing a flood in the basement. Words from James Klein a spokesman for the Berlin Fire department said “We have to pump out a mass of water. We have to check and completely stabilize the building here. Also — and this is our No. 1 priority right now — we have to save the living fish that are in the basement.” 

Finally, after two weeks of cleaning up the damage from the destruction there was finally  a speculation as to why this happened. The night before the tank had exploded, firemen believed the water was at freezing temperatures causing a crack in the acrylic glass tank, which led to the tank exploding under the weight of the water. Luckily only 2 people out of the 350 hotel guests got injured, while the rest were safely evacuated into another hotel for the night.

At the end of the day this is a sad loss for all kinds of fish species in the incident. 

Work cited:

The Tragic Death of Ashari Hughes 

The tragic death of 16 yr old flag football superstar Ashari Hughes, a student at Desert Oasis High school died from a “rare congenital heart anomaly” that is said to lead to serious illness or in Ashari’s unfortunate case death. This death follows shortly after the Damar Hamlin Collapse during the Bengals vs. Bills game. However the heart conditions they both have were proven to be very similar they still had great differences whereas Damar faced cardiac arrest due to his “Commotio Cordis” Ashari faced a heart attack brought on by her heart anomaly. 

Even though the heart condition was proven as rare and the fact that she was cleared by her doctors prior to the game, at some point when playing she contracted or even had a delay/interruption of the electrical information to the brain causing a delay of the signals to the heart causing her to have a heart attack caused by paused blood flow and even a lack that was brought on by the condition. With further research done it is proven that her death was in the anomalous range of origin in the right coronary artery from the left coronary sinus valsalva. 

Ashari was later taken to the hospital after her collapse during a routine play while the Oasis vs. The Valley game was going on. She was taken from the scene, Desert Oasis High School to the hospital while she was there she was pronounced dead on the night of  Thursday, January 5th 2023. 

When interviewing the girls flag football coach Mrs. Mcilroy here at Greenspun she quoted “It's truly sad to even see an athlete hurt but it is even worse when a death is involved,” she also mentioned “That as a coach you push your athletes to their limit and endurance but never have I imagined pushing them to a medical emergency.” Even with the same training and performance over and over again the Desert Oasis flag football coaches and fans were all shocked to see Ashari collapse during a normal play. According to the article Healthline it states that “ The risk of young athletes dying of a heart attack or cardiac arrest many chances are 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 80,000 of those who actually experience death in sports.” Unfortunately she was that 1.

This truly tragic death of flag football all star Ashari Hughes is so tragic to not only the school and her family but her teammates and friends. Many say that she was loved and just a great soul to be around. All of the desert Oasis girls flag football coaches and teammates retired her number #7 in order to honor everything she has done for not only her family and friends but the school and most importantly the Desert Oasis High school girls flag football team.

Information source: 

Getting to Know Ms.Cassidy

by Shevelle Sala

Mrs. Cassidy is our safe school professional and a part of our support staff. Mrs. Cassidy being a part of our support staff means she helps with “extra support for students if they need food, clothes, backpacks etc.” When Mrs. Cassidy started working here; not many staff members knew who she was, nor did the students. It was the March of 2019 before Covid is when Mrs. Cassidy started working here at Greenspun. When asked what made you want to do what you do now, she replied with “The connection with students.” In Mrs. Cassidy’s free time she said “I spend a lot of time with my dogs Spice and Chili, we do family activities while my husband travels for work and my son is in Detroit for college.” Mrs. Cassidy has a different schedule everyday she said ”Everyday is different and you never know what kind of phone call you’ll get.” 

The debate of what you want to do when you grow up is a recurring topic.  Before coming to Greenspun Ms. Cassidy worked in retail and wanted to teach, until she got a degree in psychology. Working with middle schoolers has its ups and downs, but the easiest part of Ms. Cassidy’s job she said was “There’s a very welcoming staff, and Ms. Carducci was very welcoming and supportive.” On of the most challenging parts of Ms. Cassidy’s job is that she has to “see kids in distress, sometimes you can’t assist them because sometimes the parents don’t want to put their kid through therapy or vise versa.” Although there are days that are harder than others, Ms. Cassidy’s favorite part about her job is “ The student interaction and trying to help them feel better.” If there was one thing Ms. Cassidy would change about her job would be to have “Better more and free mental health support so family’s don’t have to stress about putting their kid in therapy, or just their kid in general.”

Being extra support for students has ups and downs but it also has an important side to it. For Ms. Cassidy the most important part of her job is “Trying to help a kid immediately and just being available.” When Ms. Cassidystarted working here and she said “I would help with lunch monitoring and help bring in donations.” Ms. Cassidy’s inspiration to have the responsibility of being extra help was her kids. “Seeing what they experienced in school, I wanted to help kids navigate their way through tough times by being extra support.” When asked “If someone else had your job what advice would you give?” After some thought MS. Cassidy said “Just be flexible, you never know how your day is going to go.” There was a certain quote Ms. Cassidy would like to share with “A little glitter makes everything better.” People like  Ms. Cassidy make the world a better place.

A Man Has Robbed Caesars Palace On the Las Vegas Strip

by Alexis Yee

On the morning of January 9th, Caesars Palace Casino on the Las Vegas Strip was robbed. While people aren’t really sure who was to blame for the robbery, many suspect it was a 37 year old man by the name of Jared-Allen-James Booth. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal,  the suspect carried a deadly weapon and was wearing a gas mask during the robbery.

 He attacked the guards transporting the money from one cage to the main casino cage. KTNV Las Vegas says that he approached the main casino cage and asked for money, and threatened to shoot the worker if they wouldn't do it. One report says that Booth got away with $4,000 dollars, however we can’t confirm if this is true or not.

 Security eventually caught him and he was handed over to the LVMPD (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.) He has been booked in Clark County Detention Center charged with robbery and having a deadly weapon. According to KTNV Las Vegas, this is the second time Caesars Palace has been robbed.

 A similar robbery happened in 2019 when a man demanded money from a cashier and escaped with the amount of money that the public doesn’t know much about. Caesars Palace says that they are cooperating with the police in their investigation and have added additional security measures so everyone on the property can be safe. To this day the incident is still being investigated and the LVMPD encourages people to contact them if they have any information regarding this

Source Citations:, Las Vegas Review-Journal,