
Information for online registration

Information is now available for on-line registration. We are pleased to offer special discounts for early-bird registration and for student participants. The registration fees will cover the costs for a conference package, access to all sessions, lunch and coffee breaks, except for the dinner banquet on the evening of Saturday (May 13). The dinner banquet is offered as an option, for a (subsidized) additional cost of NT$500 (about US$16.60). Please choose only one plan from below:

Regular (April 26 to May 10) Closed

Early Bird (until April 25) Closed

We encourage all participants to pre-register ASAP to take advantage of the discounts and, at the latest, before May 10 to ensure that your package will be ready for pick-up.

All credit card payments will be charged in New Taiwan Dollars (NT$) or their equivalents.

We strongly prefer online pre-registration. On-site registration will be in local currency only, to be completed electronically with the assistance of on-site conference staff. A hard copy of the receipt for on-site registration fees will be issued and sent to the attendee after the conference.