Program Day 1

Day 1: Friday, May 12, 2023

08:00 -- 08:30

Registration: 509 Entrance Hall

08:30 -- 08:50

Welcome and Opening: Room 509
Chair: Chun-yin Doris Chen (National Taiwan Normal University)

09:00 -- 09:45

Keynote Session: Room 509
Chair: C.-T. James Huang
(Harvard University and National Taiwan Normal University)

Noam Chomsky
(University of Arizona and Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

SMT and the miracle creed

Video recording: Link

09:45 -- 10:00

Coffee Break

Session 1A: Room 509
Chair: Sze-Wing Tang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

10:00 -- 10:30

Hang Cheng and Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng
(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Leiden University)

Bundling light verbs
Download: abstract and handout

10:30 -- 11:00

Zheng Shen and Nick Huang
(National University of Singapore)

Effects of creation verbs in English and Chinese
Download: abstract and handout

 Session 1B: Room 508
Chair: Samuel H. Wang (National Tsing Hua University and Yuan Ze University)

10:00 -- 10:30

Yang Liu, Chen Yang Gao, Peng Wang, Liping Feng, Angela D. Friederici, Emiliano Zaccarella and Luyao Chen
(Max Planck Partner Group, Beijing Normal University, University of Chinese Academy of Social Science, University of Greifswald, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences)

Exploring the neurobiology of Merge at a basic level: Insights from a novel artificial grammar paradigm
Download: abstract and handout

10:30 -- 11:00

Boer Fu
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Variation in Manadarin prenuclear glide segmentation
Download: abstract and handout

Session 2A: Room 509
Chair: Miao-Ling Hsieh (National Taiwan Normal University)

11:00 -- 11:30

Masao Ochi
(Osaka University)

Plurality in Japanese and (anti-)labeling
Download: abstract and handout

11:30 -- 12:00

Koji Kawahara
(Nagoya University of Foreign Studies)

Merging the margin: The syntax of non-labelling items
Download: abstract and handout

Session 2B: Room 508
Chair: Joo-Kyeong Lee (University of Seoul)

11:00 -- 11:30

Yu Tanaka
(Doshisha University)

Japanese /ei/ is actually resurrected in certain loans
Download: abstract and handout

11:30 -- 12:00

Jian-Leat Siah
(University of California, Los Angeles)

Learnability of prosodic end-weight effect in Malay echo reduplication: A substantive bias account
Download: abstract and handout

12:00 -- 13:30

Lunch and Poster Session I: 509 Porch

Poster presented on site:

Posters published online:

13:30 -- 14:15

Invited Session 1: Room 509
Chair: Wei-Tien Dylan Tsai (National Tsing Hua University)

Rint Sybesma
(Leiden University)

Resultatives, again
Download: abstract and handout

14:30 -- 15:00

Invited Session 2: Room 509
Chair: Hui-chuan J. Huang (Academia Sinica)

Michael Kenstowicz
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Phonetic correlates of the qù and rù tones in Èzhōu (Húběi) Mandarin
Download: abstract and handout

15:00 -- 15:20

Coffee Break

Session 3A: Room 509
Chair: Wei-wen Roger Liao (Academia Sinica)

15:20 -- 15:50

Shiao Wei Tham
(National University of Singapore)

Completion and attainment: Telicity with phase complements in Mandarin Chinese
Download: abstract and handout

15:50 -- 16:20

Aymeric Collart
(Academic Sinica)

Planning or not planning: Interplay between future time adverb and aspect markers/modal construction in (Taiwan) Mandarin
Download: abstract and handout

Session 3B: Room 508
Chair: I-Ta Chris Hsieh (National Tsing Hua University)

15:20 -- 15:50

Yenan Sun
(Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Main clause phenomena and discourse moves: Mandarin incompleteness
Download: abstract and handout

15:50 -- 16:20

Yuyin He
(Beijing Language and Culture University)

The semantics of Mandarin future morpheme hui
Download: abstract and handout

16:20 -- 16:30

Coffee Break

Session 4A: Room 509
Chair: Shiao Wei Tham (National University of Singapore)

16:30 -- 17:00

Waltraud Paul and Gillian Ramchand
(CRLAO, CNRS-EHESS-INALCO, University of Tromsø)

Anchoring and stativity in English and Mandarin Chinese
Download: abstract and handout

17:00 -- 17:30

Kyoko Oga
(Hokkaido University of Education)

Disharmonic head-initial-over-head-final configuration in subject honorific constructions in Japanese
Download: abstract and handout

17:30 -- 18:00

Wei-wen Roger Liao
(Academia Sinica)

On the syntax-semantics of perception verbs in Chinese
Download: abstract and handout

Session 4B: Room 508
Chair: Barry C.-Y. Yang (National United University)

16:30 -- 17:00

Zhen Li and Lawrence Y.L. Cheung
(Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Inspecting syntactic tense in Jing-le Chinese
Download: abstract and handout

17:00 -- 17:30

Noriko Yoshimura, Atsushi Fujimori and Mineharu Nakayama
(University of Shizuoka and the Ohio State University)

Japanese grammatical knowledge is a way of nullifying intervention effects in L2 English
Download: abstract and handout

17:30 -- 18:00

Miyuki Oikawa (Sawada)
(National Kaohsiung Normal University)

Non-movement approach to imperatives in Japanese
Download: abstract and handout